Little Mosque On The Prairie

What for? It's as valid as SNP's generalizations. Oh, I guess he should have used a "j/k" too. :retard3:
Are you unaware that a majority of muslims don't even live in the middle-east?

I was acutely aware of that. I also know that most terrorist organizations are Middle Eastern Muslim in origin. I posted the source before, and was basically ridiculed, so I let it drop. Guess I should've asked the biggest naysayer to prove me wrong, but that wouldn't accomplish anything...

chcr said:
Re announcing it from the pulpit, I guess you've never heard of Fred Phelps. He's just the most famous, there are plenty of others.

Don't know why you brought up that loser, but, to my knowledge, most Christians I know think he's an idiot...and they happen to be quite vocal about it. In fact...isn't he regularly lambasted on the news programs? Not exactly what you'd call proof that Christianity is into violence nowadays. You can argue about others as you wish, but until you post names/sects/agendas, you've got nothing.

Here's a good one for you...Martin Luther King was Christian as well. How much violence did he preach from the pulpit. ;)
What for? It's as valid as SNP's generalizations. Oh, I guess he should have used a "j/k" too. :retard3:

What for, specifically, is that I'm a christian, and you wouldn't want me to take that comment personally, would you? As for SnP's comment, that's between him, you and the mods. I seriously don't think you want to draw me into the conversation.
I was acutely aware of that. I also know that most terrorist organizations are Middle Eastern Muslim in origin. I posted the source before, and was basically ridiculed, so I let it drop. Guess I should've asked the biggest naysayer to prove me wrong, but that wouldn't accomplish anything...

BeardOfPants proved you wrong it seem.

Don't know why you brought up that loser, but, to my knowledge, most Christians I know think he's an idiot...and they happen to be quite vocal about it.

All Muslims I know are the same about bin Laden.
BeardOfPants proved you wrong it seem.

Actually, she didn't. As soon as I posted the numbers, there was an immediate argument about the definition of 'majority'. You need to go back and take a peek.

spike said:
All Muslims I know are the same about bin Laden.

Never said they weren't. It now falls to you, however, to show how moderate Muslims are combatting the perceptions of violence in their religion through the news media, and not a sit-com. Show how moderate Muslims show up...en protest a terrorist attack on a Jerusalem bus filled with civilians. When you can show that, have somebody quote you, because I have to open your posts individually since you are on ignore...
Actually, she didn't. As soon as I posted the numbers, there was an immediate argument about the definition of 'majority'. You need to go back and take a peek.

Never said they weren't. It now falls to you, however, to show how moderate Muslims are combatting the perceptions of violence in their religion through the news media, and not a sit-com. Show how moderate Muslims show up...en protest a terrorist attack on a Jerusalem bus filled with civilians. When you can show that, have somebody quote you, because I have to open your posts individually since you are on ignore...

It doesn't make for good press to show moderate muslims railing against terrorism... :shrug: Not to say that it doesn't happen, but you're unlikely to see it on Fox, eh.
It doesn't make for good press to show moderate muslims railing against terrorism... :shrug: Not to say that it doesn't happen, but you're unlikely to see it on Fox, eh.

I don't watch Fox exclusively. I also like BBCnews and MSNBC. I've also used them in the past. Even the Fox stories I post are, more often than not, from the AP...too bad people don't look beyond the banner, eh?
Heres a shot from Bahrain.

Undated...but I don't remember seeing this on the major News chains, though Brittney Spears farting will get you lead stories and front page news. :rolleyes:
I don't watch Fox exclusively. I also like BBCnews and MSNBC. I've also used them in the past. Even the Fox stories I post are, more often than not, from the AP...too bad people don't look beyond the banner, eh?

I picked Fox as an example, Gato.... but this kinda stuff doesn't show up on MSNBC, NY Times, etc etc...Left/right or center. Doesn't matter...

somehow people feel better hearing about the latest road-side bomb and how many people it killed, more than about the latest peace rally. Human nature, I guess.
Don't know why you brought up that loser, but, to my knowledge, most Christians I know think he's an idiot...

The implication there is that most muslims love and respect leaders who advocate various insanities in the name of Allah. I suspect the reverse is true, but you'll never see them on TV. ;) Re others, don't you have any cable access channels in your area. We've got a guy here that says we need to overthrow the gubmint and then kill all the muslims. Thre are plenty of fringe element christians floating around, it's just that popular opinion wants the fringe element muslims to be the bogeymen this right now. :shrug:

This seems fairly evident to me.
The implication there is that most muslims love and respect leaders who advocate various insanities in the name of Allah. *I suspect the reverse is true, but you'll never see them on TV. ;) Re others, don't you have any cable access channels in your area. We've got a guy here that says we need to overthrow the gubmint and then kill all the muslims. Thre are plenty of fringe element christians floating around, it's just that popular opinion wants the fringe element muslims to be the bogeymen this right now. :shrug:

This seems fairly evident to me.

* Blame that on the media...

As for the fringe element, saying it doesn't exist is lunacy. Every group has a fringe element that has a propensity towards violence. Most groups, however, tend to denounce their violent fringe with more vigor than what we see in the media with Islam.

Bish said:
Heres a shot from Bahrain.

Undated...but I don't remember seeing this on the major News chains, though Brittney Spears farting will get you lead stories and front page news.

If you take a good look, this is over Sunni/Shia violence exclusively. Says nothing about tolerance of other religions or peoples. I don't know why, but there it is...;)
Most groups, however, tend to denounce their violent fringe with more vigor than what we see in the media with Islam.

I think that the Islamic media (or perhaps only those islamic media outlets that get we get to see) are part of the fringe element. I'll grant you that, at least in certain middle eastern countries, the "fringe element" holds a lot more political power than they do here. I don't think it necessarily follows that they're all that much more numerous. I suspect that the average middle-eastern muslim spends a lot of time worrying about what's going to happen next and a little time acting out for the American press if he knows what's good for him.
I think that the Islamic media (or perhaps only those islamic media outlets that get we get to see) are part of the fringe element. I'll grant you that, at least in certain middle eastern countries, the "fringe element" holds a lot more political power than they do here. I don't think it necessarily follows that they're all that much more numerous. I suspect that the average middle-eastern muslim spends a lot of time worrying about what's going to happen next and a little time acting out for the American press if he knows what's good for him.

Perhaps...but not doing the right thing fear for ones personal safety is a hard topic for me to grasp with my background.

For Bish's benefit...and another from the same site. Mock the source if you like, but research it first.
I didn't add j/k because I am not j/k.

I have never heard of Fred Phelps. I choose not to get my religion from the TV.

And some of y'all are proving Michael Savage right...liberalism really IS a mental disorder I think. A group of people openly state that they want to kill us, and you defend them. Beats hell out of me why.
I didn't add j/k because I am not j/k.

I have never heard of Fred Phelps. I choose not to get my religion from the TV.

And some of y'all are proving Michael Savage right...liberalism really IS a mental disorder I think. A group of people openly state that they want to kill us, and you defend them. Beats hell out of me why.

Not defending them, SnP, just pointing out that by and large, most of them don't give a shit what we do or why. The ones that do perpetrate the terrorism need to be hunted down and killed with extreme prejudice. Doesn't mean we need to kill all muslims does it?

What the hell though, I know that the popular conservative christian position is that anyone who even suggests that there are muslims who don't want to kill everyone else is not only liberal and insane, but also giving aid and comfort to the enemy :rolleyes: Believe as much of that as you care to, you already know how much of it I believe.
I didn't add j/k because I am not j/k.

I have never heard of Fred Phelps. I choose not to get my religion from the TV.

Sure you do, that's why you make the silly remarks about muslims.

And some of y'all are proving Michael Savage right...liberalism really IS a mental disorder I think. A group of people openly state that they want to kill us, and you defend them. Beats hell out of me why.

Conservatism is the mental disorder. Generalizing all from the actions of a few. Just like I did with christians and Fred Phelps.
Perhaps...but not doing the right thing fear for ones personal safety is a hard topic for me to grasp with my background.

Sorry Gato, but it's and easy thing to say from here. 95% or more of people will put personal safety ahead of doing the right thing when push comes to shove. The leaders who can get a group moving against such instincts are rare indeed. Even rarer in many middle-eastern countries, I suspect. The culture is one of conformity and non-conformists are dealt with quickly and harshly. :shrug: An idea like freedom has to have some fertile ground to take root and I think that's a rare commodity in most of the middle-east. Not that I don't think it can happen, but it has to start with a fundamental shift in philosophy which I don't think very many there are prepared to embrace. :shrug:
Actually, she didn't. As soon as I posted the numbers, there was an immediate argument about the definition of 'majority'. You need to go back and take a peek.

Yeah, looks like most terrorist groups are not muslim but since we don't know the number in each group you were proven to have made a unfounded statement anyway.

Never said they weren't. It now falls to you, however, to show how moderate Muslims are combatting the perceptions of violence in their religion through the news media

They do all the time. Many leaders have spoken out. Haven't heard many christian leaders speaking out against Phelps. I guess that makes the generalizations about christians more accurate than the muslim ones.