Well-Known Member
Conservatism is the mental disorder.
hey, I wonder if I can get the Gov. to pay for a 'head doctor'.
5'5" blonde....

Conservatism is the mental disorder.
hey, I wonder if I can get the Gov. to pay for a 'head doctor'.
5'5" blonde....![]()
Sure you do, that's why you make the silly remarks about muslims.
Then STFU when you don't know what you are talking about.
It ain't that simple.
Christians have yet to announce from the pulpit that they are on a crusade to kill any nonbeliever they come across. They do not slaughter their enemies en masse.
Christians have yet to announce from the pulpit that they are on a crusade to kill any nonbeliever they come across...They do not slaughter their enemies en masse....any more.Christians have yet to announce from the pulpit that they are on a crusade to kill any nonbeliever they come across. They do not slaughter their enemies en masse.
Generalizing all from the actions of a few. Just like I did with christians and Fred Phelps.
Sorry Gato, but it's and easy thing to say from here. 95% or more of people will put personal safety ahead of doing the right thing when push comes to shove. The leaders who can get a group moving against such instincts are rare indeed. Even rarer in many middle-eastern countries, I suspect. The culture is one of conformity and non-conformists are dealt with quickly and harshly.An idea like freedom has to have some fertile ground to take root and I think that's a rare commodity in most of the middle-east. Not that I don't think it can happen, but it has to start with a fundamental shift in philosophy which I don't think very many there are prepared to embrace.
Once again it seems you should be taking your own advice.
It never happened, in that sense.
SnP's use of the word 'crusade' isn't appropos then, or have you forgotten all about the multiple crusades?
Crusade is not limited to one military event.
I understand, but it is a useful term to describe a period of time where the Christian Pontiff declared religious wars against the Muslims and other non-believers in the middle-east with no quarter given, in order to regain 'the Holy land'.
It wasn't' successful...but it was effectively a jihad.
You know, it occurs to me that when Bush accidently called the Iraq war a "crusade," he didn't know how accurate he was being. The original Crusades were a horrifying failure too.
I think its more of a matter of not defining what a 'win' would be.That's what happens when you don't really want to win......Call it what you will, but the US hasn't been in a war since WWII.
That's what happens when you don't really want to win......Call it what you will, but the US hasn't been in a war since WWII.
Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble
An if I stay it will be double
Spike, since you don't live in my house, would you mind too terribly telling the rest of the class precisely how you know what I do and do not spend my time doing when I'm home? Invasion of privacy is a crime.