London shaken by explosions

Sorry, the London SAS made a regrettable and IMO inevitable mistake. Period. There will be plenty more made. Certainly the young man in question should not have run. My only question at this point is what kind of jackass do you have to be to want to justify this mistake? Why did this guy deserve to die?

BTW, this guy was not a Muslim, was he? Just curious. :brush:
It seems that is not the first time.

An inquest last year found a police marksman guilty of 'unlawful killing' when he shot a 46-year-old decorator from Hackney after mistaking a table leg the man was carrying for a gun. But this year, a High Court judge overturned the ruling, saying that there had been insufficient evidence to support the inquest verdict.

I think is better to stay away from England.
I think it happens all the time Luis. Everywhere (even Mexico ;) ). Some countries are probably a lot better at keeping it quiet than others. I'm sure that in their minds, the SAS officers felt completely justified at the time. Chances are, put in their shoes, any one of us would feel feel the same. What I don't understand is this predeliction among some of our fellows to want to justify what even the agency involved has admitted was simply a horrible mistake.
chcr said:
I think it happens all the time Luis. Everywhere (even Mexico ;) ).

I don't think it happens all the time and everywhere, for instance, when was the last time some 'innocent suspect' was shot to death in the US?
Under similar circumstances. :p

An innocent man killed:
- Not by accident.
- Not by a criminal.
- By an undercover police officer.
- In place after being seized.
LAKE WORTH — On a darkened street, a police officer took aim and fired three times Thursday night, but authorities say he hit his target only once — a flesh wound to the arm.

The 37-year-old Jupiter man he shot turned and ran, making it nearly a block up Boutwell Road before collapsing on the sidewalk.

Charles B. Barber II was conscious and breathing when officers handcuffed him, investigators said. But after being flown to Delray Medical Center, his condition deteriorated and he was pronounced dead.

This one made the local news Friday.

Honestly, it happens so often it doesn't even make the national news.
Exactly the same circumstances? Probably never happen again. Similar circumstances? I'll still bet it happens somewhere on an almost daily basis.
chcr said:
Exactly the same circumstances? Probably never happen again. Similar circumstances? I'll still bet it happens somewhere on an almost daily basis.

Similar as in being shot to death after being seized?, doubt it.
Point is, though this could have happen here. It would never, in any case be encouraged.
Sir Ian has apologised for the killing of Mr Menezes, but defended the actions of his officers. Huh? How do you apologise for something you think you did right?
And if this had, in fact, been what he appeared to be, and detonated himself, killing said officers and a boatload of innocents, how many of you would be at the head of the line, screaming about incompetence, especially after it was reported that he came from a house under surveillance?

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. At least the actions they took were in the interest of the dozens of innocents on that platform and in that train.
Not to mention that anyone dumb enough to run from cops into the london Tube right after someone bombed it is too damn dumb to be allowed to breathe.
Heh. Wearing a heavy jacket (IN JULY), coming from a house suspicious enough to be watched, and running from the cops?

Just about fucking textbook.
That's why they should be extremely careful, with decisions like that there's no room for mistakes. A mistake in that job means killing innocent people or allow innocent people to get killed.
HomeLAN said:
And if this had, in fact, been what he appeared to be, and detonated himself, killing said officers and a boatload of innocents, how many of you would be at the head of the line, screaming about incompetence, especially after it was reported that he came from a house under surveillance?
Not trying to be devil's advocate here. i know shit happens every day. But how could he have detonated himself being seized to the ground? He was utterly dominated, then executed.
Wearing a heavy jacket (IN JULY)
I don't know how heavy a heavy jacket is, but temps in London thei morning where 16 Celsius. This guy was born in Minas Gerais which means at 15 C he's chilling to the bone :D