London shaken by explosions

AlladinSane said:
Not trying to be devil's advocate here. i know shit happens every day. But how could he have detonated himself being seized to the ground? He was utterly dominated, then executed.

I'm thinking that with the technology out there today, it could be as simple as a button to push, with the plunger already in his hand. Would you really want to take that risk?
Not much I can say to that, AS. I'm starting to wonder if you're agressively trying to miss the whole point of attempting to minimize danger to civilians....

just waiting for
Monday, July 25, 2005
The Lionel-Groulx Metro station was closed beginning at 11:15 a.m. Monday morning according to an STM spokesperson. Unsubstantiated reports indicated that the police received a call regarding a suspicious package in the station.

An STM spokesperson said she was not sure when the station would be re-opened, but that the green, yellow and blue lines were running.

© 2005​

I understand that something similar just happened in Penn Station, NY recently.
It seems the way the media covered it, the police should have been
sued, or disciplined of something.
Of coarse that's the media, and in London no less.
I couldn't make a call on this one, unless I had been there.

I can tell you one thing....
If I'm in London, and someone starts after me, I don't give a damn who it is, I AIN'T RUNNIN'!

People really need to speak the language of the country they are in,
or have a translator with them.
catocom said:
People really need to speak the language of the country they are in, or have a translator with them.

Can't find the durned link now, but I read someplace thst he did know english.
HomeLAN said:
Can't find the durned link now, but I read someplace thst he did know english.
He'd been in London for 3 years, on a student visa. He spoke the language, but came from a country/area where violence is quick and deadly especially from cops and people claiming to be cops.
Several men with guns start chasing you, the rule is 'get the fuck outta there'.
MrBishop said:
but came from a country/area where violence is quick and deadly especially from cops and people claiming to be cops.
Hell it's that way here in some parts.
HomeLAN said:
Not much I can say to that, AS. I'm starting to wonder if you're agressively trying to miss the whole point of attempting to minimize danger to civilians....
Worst case scenario. The target has a simple, finger switch to blow itself up. I don't see chasing the guy trough a lot of civiliians as a way to minimize risks.
IF I considered this guy could blew itself so easily I would take the risk to disabling him as much faster as I could from far. I would never, chase him through a lot of people time enough to put him down, giving him a lot of time to trigger, damaging a lot of civs. If I manage to catch him down harmlessly against all odds in this situation, I must assume hes not wiiling/cannot detonate easily, or would have done it early in the chase. :shrug:
chcr said:
My only question at this point is what kind of jackass do you have to be to want to justify this mistake? Why did this guy deserve to die?

BTW, this guy was not a Muslim, was he? Just curious. :brush:
Notice in that picture he's the only one not smiling? I wonder what's up with that? Maybe because his Muslim friends had just talked him into doing something that he realized will cost him his life.

Under normal circumstances it would've been different. But this was a literal battlefield, the scene of terrorist attacks. The suspect had been followed for a length of time, he came from the same housing complex as other suspected terrorists, he looked suspicious, acted suspicious. His actions fit the profile of a terrorist. The officers had to make a split second decision based on what they knew and many people would have reacted the same.

Would you be happier if the officers had said "say there my good man, have you a bomb strapped to you under that bulky coat you're wearing in this unusually hot weather after exiting a suspected terrorist hangout and running from us?"

Why did he run in the first place? Only an idiot would do what he did under the circumstances. If he was afraid of the cops, maybe it was because he saw one too many liberal movies about bad policemen. If he mistook them for hooligans intent on bashing him it was his fatal mistake.
TOO, I understand how and why it happened. It was probably inevitable and it will likely happen again. Given the same set of circumstances, I might very well have done just what the SAS guys did. My question is, was and will continue to be why some of you seem to think it was worth this guys life to make us or our allies look tough to the terrorists. I completely miss that rationalization. We're supposed to be better than them.
Sir Winston Churchill once said: "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."

We are not going to be able to "teach by example" the terrorists who want to see us dead.

Just because they do it to us---we shouldn't do it to them because we're better than them? Soon there won't be any of us left to not do it to them.

You could offer them a daisy, say "Sorry Islam, I didn't vote for him" but they will only laugh and say a few words to Allah before they take a dull knife and saw your head off.

You might think those are only dramatic words, but this isn't your father's or grandfather's comfy existance anymore. Times have changed and you've got to change with it: someone wants us wiped off the planet. It's not because of anything we have done to them, it's because their religion says to spread like an infection to all corners of the world.

A threat needs to be met with a response, no matter how much better we are than them. It's kill or be killed. I choose kill them first before they get a chance to kill us.
Was that directed at my response, or what? :confused:

Are you saying that it's perfectly okay to kill innocent people to scare the terrorists? If so, doesn't that make you, well, a terrorist?

*sigh* Clearly you are uninterested in addressing the actual point, never mind.
chcr said:
My question is, was and will continue to be why some of you seem to think it was worth this guys life to make us or our allies look tough to the terrorists. I completely miss that rationalization. We're supposed to be better than them.

This is the actual point: "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."

We are not going to be able to "teach by example" the terrorists who want to see us dead. The only action they understand is deadly force.

If you don't think we should look tough to the terrorists what exactly is your solution to dealing with them? To turn the other cheek? To tell them sorry we made them not like us, we'll try to somehow make it up to them? What do you think the U.S. will be like in 20 years if we turn the other cheek? I'll tell you right now, I will not wear a burka. If we don't make them afraid of us now, you'll be living in the US of Islam--maybe if you appease them enough they'll let you live.

Are you saying that it's perfectly okay to kill innocent people to scare the terrorists? If so, doesn't that make you, well, a terrorist?

Are you saying that it's perfectly OK for terrorists to set off bombs in subways to kill innocent people to scare them out of the coalition? Maybe it's OK to cut innocent people's heads off as long as they're AMERICAN heads. Or maybe it's OK to use an airliner as a missile to kill innocent people?

See---some of us realize that we need to show the terrorists what fear really is. The bigger and louder the better. They have to be afraid of us. To realize that we are one big scary MoFo. If we are to survive they must fear us.

Does this hit any closer to home for you?

July 26, 2005 — Five Egyptian men with maps of the New York City subway system and video of New York landmarks have been arrested by the Joint Terrorism Task Force in Newark, N.J., ABC News has learned.

FBI and law enforcement officials told ABC News the five men — four illegal immigrants and one law enforcement fugitive — were arrested Sunday night following a tip to the Newark Police Department. In addition to the subway maps and video, the men had train schedules and $8,000 in $20 and $50.

I am curious what YOU think those 5 Muslim animals wanted? Do you think it was all a misunderstanding? They were doing nothing wrong? The task force clearly overreacted?

After all, it's not against the law to have $8,000 cash in small bills, video cameras, maps and train schedules.

Looks to me like they were ready to kill innocent people to scare other people. Ya think?
chcr said:
Are you saying that it's perfectly okay to kill innocent people to scare the terrorists? If so, doesn't that make you, well, a terrorist?

The Other One said:
Are you saying that it's perfectly OK for terrorists to set off bombs in subways to kill innocent people to scare them out of the coalition? Maybe it's OK to cut innocent people's heads off as long as they're AMERICAN heads. Or maybe it's OK to use an airliner as a missile to kill innocent people?

See---some of us realize that we need to show the terrorists what fear really is. The bigger and louder the better. They have to be afraid of us. To realize that we are one big scary MoFo. If we are to survive they must fear us.

Does this hit any closer to home for you?

What a way to avoid answering a direct question. :rolleyes:

As for your crocodile, I'd rather shot it than giving him an innocent life.