Meaning of Life


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
So, what do you think it is? For the last few years I've thought the real meaning of life was to raise children to carry on your name, history, etc. Now, I'm not so sure. Here is my theory, and I want you guys to disprove it for me.

Everything you do in life is for you. Whether you are doing something that directly benefits you, or whether you are doing something for someone else to make you feel good about helping them, you're still doing it for your own reasons. So, life is simply self-gratification. It's really quite simple.
life's purpose is to have a good time, as much as possible....the ways people achieve that is very different; one person loves to help other people all his life and becomes a doctor, working 80+ hrs per week...
another person loves to make as much money as possible so he can buy all the things he'd ever want.
another one wants to serve mankind with science.
and another person just wants to travel around the world and see as much as possible, meet a lot of people, do things he likes without the need to work for the upcoming 40 yrs in a few places, so he can buy a house, a car and have a garden just because that's socially accepted.
that last person represents me.
On a strict biological level. Life is about procreating more life. Continuation of the species. Thats it. All of the high brain excuses are immaterial.
unclehobart said:
On a strict biological level. Life is about procreating more life. Continuation of the species. Thats it. All of the high brain excuses are immaterial.

but does that go for humans as well? since certain people (not the majority) choose NOT to it doesn't go for 100%, which is different from (at least most) other species...
The Meaning of Life = 42
The real Meaning of life - Learn as much as you can, teach what you know to as many as you can, bring others joy and peace, bring yourself joy and peace, replace yourself (biologically) if you can, and Die...leaving the earth a better place than you when you got it.

With aching hands and bleeding feet
We dig and heap, lay stone on stone;
We bear the burden and the heat
Of the long day, and wish 'twere done.
Not till the hours of light return
All we have built as we discern.
- Matthew Arnold, Morality (st. 2)

The World's a bubble, and the Life of Man less than a span:
In his conception wretched, from the womb so to the tomb.
Curst from his cradle, and brought up to years with cares and fears.
Who then to frail mortality shall trust,
But limns the water, or but writes in dust.
- Francis Bacon, Life--Preface to the Translation of Certain Psalms
Shadowfax said:
unclehobart said:
On a strict biological level. Life is about procreating more life. Continuation of the species. Thats it. All of the high brain excuses are immaterial.

but does that go for humans as well? since certain people (not the majority) choose NOT to it doesn't go for 100%, which is different from (at least most) other species...
Being that humans are the only high brain creature, it goes only for them. All other living organisms are ruled by instinct and do what comes natural to them. Human high brain function is just powerful enough to be able to really screw with a good many of the biological imperatives that our bodies try to impose upon us. Humans are warped in that they have just enough brain power to screw themselves and everything else up.. but not have the innate capacity to accept the simple explanations. They have to manufacture their own demons and bend the perceptions of the greater mental/biological imperative to make it seem that there is anything more to life than eat, sleep, fight, breed. Anything else is an invention of the mind.
unclehobart said:
Shadowfax said:
unclehobart said:
On a strict biological level. Life is about procreating more life. Continuation of the species. Thats it. All of the high brain excuses are immaterial.

but does that go for humans as well? since certain people (not the majority) choose NOT to it doesn't go for 100%, which is different from (at least most) other species...
Being that humans are the only high brain creature, it goes only for them. All other living organisms are ruled by instinct and do what comes natural to them. Human high brain function is just powerful enough to be able to really screw with a good many of the biological imperatives that our bodies try to impose upon us. Humans are warped in that they have just enough brain power to screw themselves and everything else up.. but not have the innate capacity to accept the simple explanations. They have to manufacture their own demons and bend the perceptions of the greater mental/biological imperative to make it seem that there is anything more to life than eat, sleep, fight, breed. Anything else is an invention of the mind.

See, now that's where I'm going, all that we do, no matter what reasons we come up with doing it, are simply to please ourselves, or to make our time here easier, thus pleasing ourselves again.
I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area, and you multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet, you are a plague, and we are the cure.

MrBishop said:
The Meaning of Life = 42
Not actually the meaning of life, just the answer to the most important question about life, the universe and everything (a subtle distinction, I'll grant you).
unclehobart said:
Being that humans are the only high brain creature, it goes only for them. All other living organisms are ruled by instinct and do what comes natural to them.
That's debatable at best, IMO. I think you're giving humanity in general way too much credit. :shrug:
I've not totally convinced myself of one thing or another but I tend to lean towards Hindu's belief of the Caste System and of reincarnation. Improving yourself and others in this life so that you may come back as a "higher being" for the next. The whole idea interests me greatly and I've done limited reading on it. I should read more, it's intriguing.
I believe we are put on this earth for the sadistic entertainment of God at our miserable lives.
fury said:
I believe we are put on this earth for the sadistic entertainment of God at our miserable lives.

I kind of made my wife mad last night, I told her basically that, that if there is a god, he must be one cruel sadistic mother-fucker. She's Catholic. :shrug:
I was born into a Catholic family. However, I'm not much of a Catholic guy. I realized some time ago that I know why God let me survive 2 suicide attempts... it's not because I have some great purpose and I will become a great person someday that is loved by all... it's much more simple than that - he wants to see me suffer.
I don't care anymore about such questions, i'm here and i expect not to leave in a long time.
Some things to ponder...

Does there have to be a "meaning"? Wouldn't the existence of a meaning imply a creator that the meaning meant something to? If there is no creator, is a strictly biological imperative really a "meaning"?

Or, maybe there is no innate meaning and what meaning we find is the meaning we bring to the table ourselves.
fury said:
I was born into a Catholic family. However, I'm not much of a Catholic guy. I realized some time ago that I know why God let me survive 2 suicide attempts... it's not because I have some great purpose and I will become a great person someday that is loved by all... it's much more simple than that - he wants to see me suffer.

I don't know that I'd go that far to jump to such a conclusion....but then again, I have yet to come up with a better explaination other than "thats not it" :shrug:

*edit* the more I think of it, Janimal's theory makes the most sense. for now.....
Janimal said:
Or, maybe there is no innate meaning and what meaning we find is the meaning we bring to the table ourselves.
Excellent point. I think that's what PT was saying at the beginning in a different way. How can anything have any meaning other than the meaning we interpret ourselves?
chcr said:
How can anything have any meaning other than the meaning we interpret ourselves?
Close, but not really. I find it really strange that we are taught most of our lives that being selfish is bad. Just the word Selfish seems to mean bad things, but if you really think about it, what else could we possibly be but selfish?