Nick Berg

why does there have to be? people are going to see things differently. That is what makes it relative. and why arent they on equal footing? people do believe in different things. live different lifestyles
People can see things differently, but not all the views are correct. If all views are on equal footing, then what is wrong with a group of people do something that you do not agree with (genocide), and then say to you that it is fine because it fits in with their moral theory. If the moral views in Nazi Germany are on equal footing with your moral views (because it is all relative after all), than how can you condone what they did? People can believe in different things, but because there are absolute truths, not all the views are correct.
but who is to say they are not correct? yes there are some views I disagree with. that doesnt make them any more wrong than me
but who is to say they are not correct?
I for one say that they are not correct.

yes there are some views I disagree with. that doesnt make them any more wrong than me
This mean that we should not condone any act by any person in the world. Who can say who is right? It doesn't matter what you do and who is killed/raped/maimed in the process.

Do you really believe that? By that logic, you lose the ability to say that anything is wright or wrong, because everything is on equal moral footing.That is a world that I cannot live with. I say it again, there must be absolute truths do differentiate between moral standards.
where did I at all condone rape or murder? and why do you have a right to say who is moral and immoral? they can say you are right after. also for someone who believes in the Bible then remember this little saying in it:
Judge not lest ye be judged
freako104 said:
where did I at all condone rape or murder? and why do you have a right to say who is moral and immoral? they can say you are right after. also for someone who believes in the Bible then remember this little saying in it: .

If you have no moral compass, and no idea of what are moral or immoral acts, then how can you judge somebody who does have a moral compass. Don't quibble over today vs yesterday vs tomorrow. We can only define our morals by today.
I am not juding him and if you have a moral compass then why do you go around judging those that have a different view point? and whta if you have morals that arent like yours? thats why I say its relative
Yes there are those who believe in moral expediency,
situational ethics, these are people who are truly evil.

Then there are the others that know better than to believe
that morals are relative that you can compromise with evil bend the rules and profit.

America will always hold the moral high ground and for that her enemies will hate her all the more. All the better.
America will always hold the moral high ground and for that her enemies will hate her all the more. All the better.

Man, you're walking around with blinders on.
freako104 said:
and what makes people who say morality is relative evil

Is that like resident evil?
Sorry I'm having trouble making a complete thought out of what you wrote
she was better in the 5th element and that sucked too. she is the only redeeming factor in both those movies. and no.
Winky said:
Is that like resident evil?
Sorry I'm having trouble making a complete thought out of what you wrote

Try it this way: Waht is it that makes you so special that your morality is absolute, and any one who fails to agree with your ideas on the subject necessarily evil?

BTW, good call on the situational ethics. IMO, situational ethics ar patently unethical. :D
chcr said:
Try it this way: Waht is it that makes you so special that your morality is absolute, and any one who fails to agree with your ideas on the subject necessarily evil? :D

I'm not special, by phrasing it that way yes your right.
For me to say because I don't condone killing innocents
adultery theft lying or a host of other supposedly immoral actions
I would be placing myself above those that do.
What I'm saying is that there is a right and a wrong good and evil
outside of what you or I or the slimeballs in that video believe.

I didn't mean the slimeballs in the video. That was just for shock value, nothing else. They did that simply to elicit a response, regardless of what they say. Abu Ghraib was merely an expedient excuse. It was certainly one of the most heinous acts I've ever avoided seeing. I was referring to absolute morality, which simply does not exist. You are a product of your environment, as am I. Some things you believe are moral, I may not and vice versa. You believe America holds the moral high ground and I say we are no more (or less) moral than dozens of other nations. It's that attitude of "we're better than you that alienates so many. It's just as offensive in a nation as it is in an individual (and it really pisses me off in individuals).
You and I are diametrically opposed on this issue and if you'd like I will debate you to eternity.

chcr said:
You are a product of your environment, as am I

Oh no way Buddy I for one have free will and can choose not to adhere to a moral code
just because I was raised to be a Homicide bomber don’t make it right!

So you are what is commonly referred to down here as a Liberal then Right?
Winky said:
You and I are diametrically opposed on this issue and if you'd like I will debate you to eternity.

Oh no way Buddy I for one have free will and can choose not to adhere to a moral code
just because I was raised to be a Homicide bomber don’t make it right!

So you are what is commonly referred to down here as a Liberal then Right?

NO! I am most certainly not a liberal. I do notice, however that many people find it necessary to label anything that disagrees with their world view as "liberal." This is simply mental laziness. Al Franken is an even bigger jackass than Rush Limbaugh (if you could believe such a thing possible). The vast majority of Americans are neither liberal nor conservative. Try these on for size:
1. Gun control is useless, and if you try to take mine you are liable to be shot at.
2. If it's not "cruel and unusual" then how is it punishment? Bring back public flogging.
3. Bring back corporal punishment in schools. (Of course, you need to start that with teachers who teach creation mythology as a viable theory).
4. I have heither the time nor the inclination to be politically correct. If this offends you, you may safely assume that I meant for you to be offended.

I believe that right and wrong are frequently obvious. Assuming they always are is mental laziness of the worst sort.
Chris Rock said:
I'm conservative on crime, I'm liberal on prostition.

Oh, and just a little side note, allude and elude are very different things. ;)
Winky said:
You and I are diametrically opposed on this issue and if you'd like I will debate you to eternity.

Oh no way Buddy I for one have free will and can choose not to adhere to a moral code
just because I was raised to be a Homicide bomber don’t make it right!

So you are what is commonly referred to down here as a Liberal then Right?

so your saying that his reacting to his enviroment and forming his own ideas and thoughts werent free will?
freako104 said:
I am not juding him and if you have a moral compass then why do you go around judging those that have a different view point? and whta if you have morals that arent like yours? thats why I say its relative

So you're saying that, no mater what you do, if your morals allow it, then it shouldn't bother anyone else? Unrealistic and foolish. Why? Because most people actually have a moral compass, and most people tend to agree in what is right and what is wrong. Only the fringe actually have no moral compass...those that think that they are either above everyone else, or don't care about anyone else. Sorry Eric, but you're on your own in this one. Every civilization in the world has almost the same moral code. The only differences are the treatment of women, the treatment of children, or the treatment of animals. We're not talking rocket science here. Murder, rape, robbery, and just about every other crime in the criminal code are the same world-wide. That's why it most decidedly is not relative. I'm sure you'll go through and post some ridiculous laws now, but if those ridiculous laws are the only things you can come up with, then you're on the wrong track.