I for one say that they are not correct.but who is to say they are not correct?
This mean that we should not condone any act by any person in the world. Who can say who is right? It doesn't matter what you do and who is killed/raped/maimed in the process.yes there are some views I disagree with. that doesnt make them any more wrong than me
.Judge not lest ye be judged
freako104 said:where did I at all condone rape or murder? and why do you have a right to say who is moral and immoral? they can say you are right after. also for someone who believes in the Bible then remember this little saying in it: .
America will always hold the moral high ground and for that her enemies will hate her all the more. All the better.
freako104 said:and what makes people who say morality is relative evil
Winky said:Is that like resident evil?
Sorry I'm having trouble making a complete thought out of what you wrote
chcr said:Try it this way: Waht is it that makes you so special that your morality is absolute, and any one who fails to agree with your ideas on the subject necessarily evil?
chcr said:You are a product of your environment, as am I
Winky said:You and I are diametrically opposed on this issue and if you'd like I will debate you to eternity.
Oh no way Buddy I for one have free will and can choose not to adhere to a moral code
just because I was raised to be a Homicide bomber don’t make it right!
So you are what is commonly referred to down here as a Liberal then Right?
Chris Rock said:I'm conservative on crime, I'm liberal on prostition.
Winky said:You and I are diametrically opposed on this issue and if you'd like I will debate you to eternity.
Oh no way Buddy I for one have free will and can choose not to adhere to a moral code
just because I was raised to be a Homicide bomber don’t make it right!
So you are what is commonly referred to down here as a Liberal then Right?
freako104 said:I am not juding him and if you have a moral compass then why do you go around judging those that have a different view point? and whta if you have morals that arent like yours? thats why I say its relative