Nick Berg

Winky said:
Sorry Samster,
America is destined to continue to lead the world.
It's a tough job but we are the ONLY one's to do it!

Manifest Destiny, please not that old crock again.

have you ever figured out that talking like that and beleiving that BS is why so many countries have a bad opinion of the US.
paul_valaru said:
What I don't understand is why you people are taking what these monsters that killed Mr. Berg seriously.

They say it is because of the stuff that happened in the prison, and you guys are fighting over which is worse.

I think it had NOTHING to do with the prison, it had to do with the fact that they had someone captive, and wanted to be on the news, and the whole prison thing was jsut an excuse.

The people that did this deserve to be killed, the people that are harboring them deserve to be punished.

Thank you.
Gonz said:
I don't know about that but this is fun;


this may sound hypocritical of me but the fact he had the headbands dont bother me at all. I look at it the same way there are shirts for Christians and Pagans and other religions. No the fact he had an automatic weapon is what scares me and makes me think he is a threat
Neither of them bother me...if he wasn't in a war zone. What if the headbands said something like "Allah says kill Americans" or "Drive out the invaders today"?
the latter would not. the initial to some extent does although there are several religions killing each other in the name of God(India is a prime example cuurently)
freako104 said:
the latter would not. the initial to some extent does although there are several religions killing each other in the name of God(India is a prime example cuurently)

Yeah...and in all cases, they're blaspheming and going against their own theistic beliefs when they do that. Even Bush, when he mentions God in any speech re: the war is going against biblical teachings and the Christian theism.

How arrogant people must be to think that God actually picks sides.
MrBishop said:
How arrogant people must be to think that God actually picks sides.


or they are paying it lip service, cause it's easyier to tell someone to die, and that there soul will live out eterntiy in paradise.

Cause saying "I'm sending you out to fight for beleifs you don't have, for people you don't care about, and if you die, we might be able to reclaim your body, but either way your wormfood, so no biggy" won't go over well.

and that was a dig at the leaders not the soldiers, the soldiers are brave people who do there duty, the unfortunite part is the people who give them there duties are a bunch of leading from the rear cowards
MrBishop said:
Yeah...and in all cases, they're blaspheming and going against their own theistic beliefs when they do that. Even Bush, when he mentions God in any speech re: the war is going against biblical teachings and the Christian theism.

How arrogant people must be to think that God actually picks sides.

arrogant and also hypocritical. If I recall every religion says that the dieities within love all people equally. However religion has caused wars in the past so I dont see it going against the teachings unless those wars were against the teachings themselves
When will enough be enough? Where is the same outrage we've heard expressed by the Democrats over the 'prison abuse pictures'? Sen. Kennedy--what do you think about the hooded cowards who take out a dull blade in the name of Allah and spend 30 seconds to saw the head from the body of an innocent American civilian amidst his blood-curdling screams and then hold his head by the hair to the camera, the eyes still wide open? Hmmmm? See any relation to the politicising of the 'prison abuse pictures' to what happened to Mr. Berg? All this whining about leashes around necks and panties on heads and they're cutting off our heads, Sen. Kennedy. His blood is on the Democrats' hands, surely as they did the murder themselves. We are getting fucked here, as well as over there, whenever we turn around. It's time to turn off the Liberals who care more about the enemy, who care more about seeing a Democrat in the Whitehouse then their own men and women fighting for their own country and use the weaponry we have to put an end to it. The Muslims need to understand that we can be worse than them; anything less just makes them laugh.
It's Jihad for them:
Noble Qur’an 2:190 Footnote:
“Jihad is holy fighting in Allah’s Cause with full force of numbers and weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars. By Jihad Islam is established, Allah’s Word is made superior (which means only Allah has the right to be worshiped), and Islam is propagated. By abandoning Jihad Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position; their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He who tries to escape from this duty, or does not fulfill this duty, dies as a hypocrite.”

If they are willing to die for their cause, but we're not even willing to kill for our survival---we are doomed as a nation, doomed as a people.
The Other One said:
When will enough be enough? Where is the same outrage we've heard expressed by the Democrats over the 'prison abuse pictures'? Sen. Kennedy--what do you think about the hooded cowards who take out a dull blade in the name of Allah and spend 30 seconds to saw the head from the body of an innocent American civilian amidst his blood-curdling screams and then hold his head by the hair to the camera, the eyes still wide open? Hmmmm? See any relation to the politicising of the 'prison abuse pictures' to what happened to Mr. Berg? All this whining about leashes around necks and panties on heads and they're cutting off our heads, Sen. Kennedy. His blood is on the Democrats' hands, surely as they did the murder themselves. We are getting fucked here, as well as over there, whenever we turn around. It's time to turn off the Liberals who care more about the enemy, who care more about seeing a Democrat in the Whitehouse then their own men and women fighting for their own country and use the weaponry we have to put an end to it. The Muslims need to understand that we can be worse than them; anything less just makes them laugh.
It's Jihad for them:
Noble Qur’an 2:190 Footnote:
“Jihad is holy fighting in Allah’s Cause with full force of numbers and weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars. By Jihad Islam is established, Allah’s Word is made superior (which means only Allah has the right to be worshiped), and Islam is propagated. By abandoning Jihad Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position; their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He who tries to escape from this duty, or does not fulfill this duty, dies as a hypocrite.”

If they are willing to die for their cause, but we're not even willing to kill for our survival---we are doomed as a nation, doomed as a people.

So...kill all Muslims, even though most Muslims don't consider this a Jihad. In point of fact, this is NOT a Jihad at's a war over idiotic desires.

It will become a Jihad the moment that you claim that you are waging war against their religion. Then, in defending their religion, they will declare a Jihad.

The issue that us liberals spout on about isn't 'protect the enemy''s protect humanity. Protect our humanity, not theirs.

If through our actions, we do inhumane acts...we injure ourselves more than we do our 'enemy'. We injure our reputation, we injure our humanity, our morals, our ethics...and we kick the very stool that we stand on when we say "We are better than you".

Then...can we really say that we are the good guys? Can we say that we are rightious? I very much doubt that. You said it yourself. "...we can be worse than them."

Who wants to be the worst that the world has to offer??
A.B.Normal said:
Some Detainees were killed (film to come??) .If we are seeing all "this" on camera whats going on when the Cameras aren't present.

So where's the film? Where's the source? Surely you can come up with something besides this crap.
freako104 said:
the Muslims I know say the Jihad is within themselves NOT without

Indeed...but it's still not really considered a Jihad. You don't hear "Kill all Christians" hear "Kill all Americans". There's a BIG difference there. The same goes with Bush. He's constantly repeating the phrase "Our Muslim friends" a mantra.

It's not Muslim vs. Christian. This is not the next Crusade...nor should we desire it to be. If it became a crusade/ wouldn't be able to say "the Muslims that I know", freako. They'd be in jail, or being repatriated to the middle-east, or hiding from the authorities.

Think of the way that Japanese-Americans were treated after think of those same 'relocation centers' filled with Muslims.
Bush has called it the secon Crusuades Bish. Now as for the camps during WWII for the Japanese: I would hate for them to be reopened. they should not have been there in the first place.
freako104 said:
Bush has called it the secon Crusuades Bish. Now as for the camps during WWII for the Japanese: I would hate for them to be reopened. they should not have been there in the first place.
You and I both know that Bush is a fuckin' idiot who'd be caught humming "Onward Christian Soldiers" in front of International journalists if Rumsfeld wasn't around to smack him in the head first.

If he did say that this was the 2nd Crusade....I'm sure that he's been 'educated' about the stupidity of that statement by now and part of that mantra is meant to help hide it.

**Added after the fact: Only the Pope can call a Crusade or Holy War**
I said it because I have friends who are Muslims and Amir was the one to say that the Jihad is the struggle to do good and the struggle within yourself between good and evil.
freako104 said:
I said it because I have friends who are Muslims and Amir was the one to say that the Jihad is the struggle to do good and the struggle within yourself between good and evil.

Granted... its one of many definitions...and a very good one at that, but not the one that seems to be bantered about right now. I can say the same about 'crusade'... I think that I mentioned that in another thread all blurs together.

I stated that I didn't think that Bush meant to say "Crusade" in relation to Holy War against the Muslims as begun by the Pope. I've since revisited my opinion of Bush. He may just have meant just that... though doesn't admit it anymore.
MrBishop said:
MrBishop: Morality is relative your mind, everyone's morals are, or should be, exactly the same as the person next to them, accross the street, accross the country or accross the world, regardless of their upbringing, their religious convictions, their family situation when growing up, etc etc...

That's one hell of a to back it up?

I also agree with the statement that morality is not relative. There are many moral theories out there, but that does not mean that they are all on equal footing. There has to be absolute truths. Moral theories that are based on these truths should not be placed on the same level as those that aren't. Just because we do not universally agree on a moral issue, does not mean that there is ever a correct side to a moral issue based on these absolute truths.