Nut with a nuke???


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
His missiles have the possibility of wiping out LA and San Fran (no great loss), and could even reach Chicago. :eek5: So the question is...what is the UN going to do?
The Useless Nations will vote on a sanction, North Korea will test the nuke and blame the United States....What else would be diferent?
please provide solid info on "can reach chicago." as far as i'm aware the N korean missiles only in theory may be within range of the west coast but probably aren't in reality.
Ballistic missles have the fun factor that, an extra 100' in altitude equals several hundred miles downrange. If they can cross the pacific and hit the west coast, another thousand miles isn't that great a leap. The trick is the guidance system. Being able to keep in on target that extra thousand miles isn't as easy as it sounds. 'Specially if you haven't got Sony playstations to provide the chips.
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N Korera is still preparing to test nukes. The British UN ambassador guy said "We sent them a a harshly worded letter..."

The UN will do nothing but say STOP! or we shall say STOP, again.

NK will be fully armed to attack S Korea or Japan & there's not a damned thing anyone can do about it. Why? Because the UN is useless & nobody else wants to take on the job as WORLD POLICE while complaining that we do that job without pay.
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N Korera is still preparing to test nukes. The British UN ambassador guy said "We sent them a a harshly worded letter..."

The UN will do nothing but say STOP! or we shall say STOP, again.

NK will be fully armed to attack S Korea or Japan & there's not a damned thing anyone can do about it. Why? Because the UN is useless & nobody else wants to take on the job as WORLD POLICE while complaining that we do that job without pay.

But, but ... we'd have to go up against the Film Actor's Guild to stop him .....
Of course when he tries to test it and no boom,he kinda loses any bargaining position he has/had.I think that would keep him from testing it more than any threat from the UN.
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N Korera is still preparing to test nukes. The British UN ambassador guy said "We sent them a a harshly worded letter..."

oh well that's ok then, what you guys worried about?

Cup of tea anyone?

How do you take it?
US rattles sabre at North Korea
Choose between nuclear weapons and a future
The US has warned North Korea that it can have nuclear weapons or it can have a future - "but it cannot have them both", the BBC reports.

The sabre-rattling comes after the Pyongyang regime announced earlier this week it would conduct a nuclear warhead test. North Korea's foreign ministry declared: "[North Korea] will in the future conduct a nuclear test under the condition where safety is firmly guaranteed. The US daily increasing threat of a nuclear war and its vicious sanctions and pressure have caused a grave situation on the Korean Peninsula."

The US's response was swift and predictable. Negotiator Christopher Hill - the US's chief representative in the six-nation talks aimed at resolving the North Korea nuclear issue - said the country had arrived at "a very important fork in the road - it can have a future or it can have these weapons, but it cannot have them both".

He further warned: "I am not prepared at this point to say what we are going to do but I am prepared to say we are not going to wait for a nuclear North Korea, we are not going to accept it."

Down at the UN, meanwhile, US efforts to rally support for a test ban have not as yet yielded the desired result. Japan is pushing for "a strongly-worded UN statement", while China has asked North Korea to "exercise the necessary calm and restraint", and favours resumption of the six-nation talks.

Russia and South Korea have both condemned North Korea's nuke test plans as "unacceptable", but there is no consensus as how best to proceed. US envoy to the UN, John Bolton, admitted: "At this stage, there's division." ®

Where the damn are they supposed to test this? I don't think there is a desert like region inside North Korea?