I hate to be blunt, but since you all have been, I'll say this. The
last person I want in my fox-hole is a hero.
Now back to the main thrust...
1. The references to Hitler were stated to try and garner support from the world. As bad as Saddam is, he's no Hitler. As long as we keep repeating that reference, we'll only weaken our case.
2. As much as some of you would like to believe, the US military ain't as big as you think. We're stretched pretty thin as it is with all of the peace-keeping missions we have over in the former Yugoslavia (which our European "allies" haven't considered), Hungary (to support Bosnia), Turkey (no-fly zone), Saudi Arabia (no-fly zone), Korea (war zone), etc. Europe has
always been reluctant to act unless the situation was dire, and the European Union is made up of those folks. Russia, FWIW, is the most likely country to get involved in Iraq on our side anyway, considering that they are even closer to the fallout than the rest of Europe. My personal opinion? Let Europe take a few hits before we act alone. We don't have the man-power, the budget (bullets ain't free), or the supply bases to sustain a war. Period.
3. Considering that I am most likely the only military member on this BBS, I feel I have a right to say this. If you are not in the armed forces right now, then you should button your lip. You have no idea of what you're asking, nor will most of you, if you decide to join up, see anything of what you ask. Real war is nothing to ask for unless there is no other choice.
4. You don't drop nukes unless you are willing to have nukes dropped on you. We don't have an ABM system set up, and even if we did, the best we can cover is 30%. Just remember that you can't pick which 70% of the US will get vaporized. Perhaps you've forgotten that the US isn't the only nuclear armed country...
5. Luis...Once we annex Mexico for Pemex, we won't need Iraq...