Quitting the ol' Cancer-sticks

Its not that we are anti-salad. We are a very maleable culture and can exist well within local cultural guidlines of cuisine. If salad is the norm, then salad it is. The availablity of meats, prepared foods, fatty stuff and the like is rather cheap here as compared to the rather expensive Euro markets. Eating habits always tend to follow price and availability. Just think of Argentina... It is the beef producing monolith of the Earth. It is cheap and available. As a result, beef consumption is about triple what it would be here.
Salad, much like soup, no matter what my wife thinks, is not a meal, it's an appetizer
Prof! I can't believe you missed the "tossed salad" reference! *gasp*

As for me... I've often had my entire dinner be an eight-ounce bag of beef jerky.
Inkara1 said:
Prof! I can't believe you missed the "tossed salad" reference! *gasp*

As for me... I've often had my entire dinner be an eight-ounce bag of beef jerky.

No, didn't miss it. Just didn't bite, is all.
Not a big potato chip fan myself, unless its Pringles, or Munchos.
Now BBQ-Fritos, or dipping Fritos, and french onion dip, or Doritos, and salsa OTOH....
Winky said:
Still a 'non-smoker'? Crap-a-comb?
Sounds like he's making up for it wth food, huh? ;)

May I suggest Extra chewing gum? Sugar-free and it keeps your mouth busy. I really didn't gain weight when I quit. I did go through a pack and a half of gum a day at first though.
Winky said:
Still a 'non-smoker'? Crap-a-comb?
53 hours now.
I do have nicorette gum, and nicoderm patches, but haven't really felt
a need for um.
It's like when the doc told me if I didn't quit drinking alcohol, I'd die...like real quick....days..
I just lost the urge for it all together for a while. I can take it or leave it now,
of coarse it's still uncontrollable to a great extent if I do take a drink, until
I sleep on it a while.

When I have the assumption, that the next one maybe the last of anything,
it's a damn powerful dissuader for me personally.
unclehobart said:
Salad has only been in vouge for 50 years or so. Gnawing a carcass goes back a few bazillion years. Its hard to break with species predispositions.

Actually, the hominids were originally frugivores/nut-eaters - scavenging for meat came much later.
Professur said:
BOP, could you be just a tad more careful in your phrasing, please.

You just need to stick your head outta the gutter sometimes...it would be nice if you'd also step out before passing gas...
AlphaTroll said:
Hell - you okes would never survive in our family...in Summertime salads are about all we eat :shrug:
Yeah, it's the same here. We live on leafy green salads, and I've got this really jummy chickpea salad that I make with red onions, italian parsley, small italian tomatoes, basil, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil... mmmm..... Also, we've started making gazpacho soup - which is a cold tomato soup - delic!
BeardofPants said:
Actually, the hominids were originally frugivores/nut-eaters - scavenging for meat came much later.
I mean a true salad... not all veggie matter in general. Of course proto-man gnawed on anything they could get.

True salad, as with most food, didn't come into popularity until affordable refrigeration.