Stroker Chevez still at it

I looked up the alleged tampering, and it is in the hands of the courts right now.

41 million votes, 126,000 recounted make not a big splash, the only reports of WIDESPREAD tampering are from this gentleman who seems to be talking revolution.

All outside monitors seem to claim no fraud.

In ANY election you will finds some signs of tampering.
The 126,000 was with less than 9% recounted. Remember the margin between the two candidates is very tight.

126,000 is .003% of the total, and it is 3% of the 9%

*edit* 9% of 41m votes is 3,690,000 having 126,000 of those be fraudulant is quite miniscule
126,000 is .003% of the total, and it is 3% of the 9%

*edit* 9% of 41m votes is 3,690,000 having 126,000 of those be fraudulant is quite miniscule

Interpolate that out to 100% and compare it to the difference of votes the two candidates got.
41 million votes, 126,000 recounted make not a big splash, the only reports of WIDESPREAD tampering are from this gentleman who seems to be talking revolution.

Over 100,000 votes if you count them like:
- In a precint you find a miscounted vote, then they claim that the whole precint was miscounted (i.e. they count 750 votes as fraudulent). This is a strategy used by biased media and the supporters of the loser.

If you work with the real numbers, you will find that the loser lost more votes than Felipe.
The TRIFE resolved to declare invalid several votes (most likely whole precints), with this taken:

- Felipe Calderón lost 81,080 votes.
- Sore loser motherfucker lost 76,897 votes.
- The rest of the candidates lost thousands of votes too.

Counting these invalid votes, the difference between the two will be 4,000 votes less than before (approx. 250,000 votes). So this changes nothing.
The point being it is being investigated by the commitee in charge, what they decide is final, a call for revolution??? a tad extreme.

Was it a super large fraud being perpitrated, like what bush did in florida (just joking!!!!) then maybe a revolution would be in order.
Damn Luis, it seems GW Bush controls your courts too ;)

MEXICO CITY, Aug 28 (Reuters) - Mexico's top electoral court threw out allegations of massive fraud in last month's presidential election on Monday, handing almost certain victory to conservative candidate Felipe Calderon.

The seven judges voted unanimously to reject almost all the legal complaints by left-wing candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who said he was robbed of victory in the July 2 vote.

Your own version of John F'ing Kerry too
The leftist, who has vowed to make Mexico ungovernable if Calderon becomes president, refused to accept the ruling.

Reuters, so it may not be trustworthy.
kerry was not THAT far gone, neither was gore for that matter, they let it lie, and let the country get on with it.
Kerry has spoken, repeatedly, using some variation of the line "If I were President..." & then going off on a rant.

Hell, the last 5 years has been virtually the entire (D) party going out of its way to damage Bush instead of helping America.
Kerry has spoken, repeatedly, using some variation of the line "If I were President..." & then going off on a rant.

Hell, the last 5 years has been virtually the entire (D) party going out of its way to damage Bush instead of helping America.

the partisonship of washington is very much a 2 way street.
Democrats hate Republicans
Republicans hate Democrats

and that is why nothing can get done.

hate to tell you this, but Clinton was good like that, his guy in the office that ashcroft has (had) was actually a republican, he looked past party lines, and choose the best man for the job.

And whether kerry thinks he can do a better job, and wants to speak about it, it is STILL better than calling for a revolution.
Gonz said:
Hell, the last 5 years has been virtually the entire (D) party going out of its way to damage Bush instead of helping America.

Possibly a reaction to the entire Republican party going out of it's way to hurt America.
Possibly a reaction to the entire Republican party going out of it's way to hurt America.

Naah. The Democrats, who were the majority in Congress from Nixon until GW are pissed because they are no longer the majority, and use every dirty tactic in the political science manual in order to further their agenda by demonizing the Republicans, and you go lock-step with them by refusing to see beyond your own party.
The courts decided against him because:
- he didn't presented "contundent" proof.
- the counting did not reveal any signs of fraud
- a total recount was not possible because he didn't ask for a total re-count on a legal basis.
Naah. The Democrats, who were the majority in Congress from Nixon until GW are pissed because they are no longer the majority, and use every dirty tactic in the political science manual in order to further their agenda by demonizing the Republicans, and you go lock-step with them by refusing to see beyond your own party.

Nope. I think you're refusing to see the damage being done by your own party furthering their agenda with their dirty tactics. These scandals are in the news if you want to read about them.
- the counting did not reveal any signs of fraud

You say no signs of fraud but it looks like there are at the least some signs of fraud.

I am having trouble finding any kind of numbers from bigger news sites.

But this was interesting.

The Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) is reporting that 60% of the 149 recount sites have revealed discrepancies between the numbers originally entered on the tally sheets and the true vote count. The magnitude of some of the irregularities goes beyond human error. In some precincts, ballot boxes that were to be sealed and locked up were found opened. In other precincts, the number of votes exceeded the number of ballots handed out. Errors of counting or procedure have turned up at thousands of precincts.

Translation provided by el cid's diary at dkos.

The coalition Por el Bien de Todos assured that in the recount of 4,238 ballot packets -- of which 6,566 had been counted through yesterday -- there exist 132,206 "altered" votes, not only because in a bit more than half of the polling stations there were found more votes recorded than paper ballots stored, but because the remainder had been removed [illegally accessed through the seal?].

The PRD reported that the 60% of the sealed ballot packets that are being recounted, more than 40,000 votes had surfaced, 60,000 ballots have mysteriously disappeared, and another 100,000 have been "significantly altered."

According to El Universal, in Durango, for example, officials opened one box only to find the ballot box empty.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador has also said that with all those errors that have been found in the partial recount of votes from the presidential election, the top electoral court will have to declare him president-elect.

However, Felipe Calderón, PAN, and the IFE all seem to be in a state of denial. PAN is claiming that the errors found are only minor and statistically on represents 25% not the 60% the PRD are claiming.

But Germán Martínez of the National Action Party (PAN) put the number of polling sites with altered vote counts at 25 percent. And those with errors involving five or more votes totaled only 3 percent, he said.

Duarte, who like Martínez is his party´s liaison to the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE), said even his rival´s figures would be significant. "The PAN is saying that the changes aren´t important," Duarte told reporters Friday. "But we have to remember that the difference in the IFE vote count comes to only 1.8 votes per polling station."

On an interesting note, a small video by TV Ciudadana (Civic TV) could be found on YouTude showing a group of PANistas blocking the international observers from doing their job on observing the election process.

Interestingly, it was reported that international observers had described Mexico's electoral procedures and the work of the IFE as being exemplary.