Terrorists are pu**ies

paul_valaru said:
I personally think they are a bunch of cowardly baby-killers and their balls should be covered in honey, and then tied down near an anthill

Just a quick question....

Do their balls have to be attached before being coated with honey? Or can I get me rusty saw from the shed to do it?
Oz said:
Just a quick question....

Do their balls have to be attached before being coated with honey? Or can I get me rusty saw from the shed to do it?

attached that wahy the feel the ants going after teh honey, and eating it, and whatever it is attached to very slowly over a number of hours
paul_valaru said:
attached that wahy the feel the ants going after teh honey, and eating it, and whatever it is attached to very slowly over a number of hours

Yeah, that's good......that works fine.

But. I'd kinda like to see the expression on their faces when they are forced to watch as a swarm of ants wander away with their testicals.

*all politics aside.......Oz has no sympathy for anyone who would put a gun to a childs head.....for wotever reason
Oz said:
*all politics aside.......Oz has no sympathy for anyone who would put a gun to a childs head.....for wotever reason

Yeah I get that not so nice feeling, get ready for the liquid heat enema feelings when i think of it
Shadow said:
i don't understand the "There can be no satisfactory why."

The minute you allow reasoning, in any form, to enter the talks about people that would target innocents to further their political cause is the minute they have justification for their actions. Terrorism must be condemned at all times at all costs. There is no reasoning whatsoever to intentionally target a school.

GNL said:
Being that they are Chechyn and rebelling, probably not...
Palestinian Rebels, Iraqi Rebels, Iranian Rebels, Taliban Rebels, Al Qaeda Rebels...
Gonz said:
The minute you allow reasoning, in any form, to enter the talks about people that would target innocents to further their political cause is the minute they have justification for their actions. Terrorism must be condemned at all times at all costs. There is no reasoning whatsoever to intentionally target a school.

Palestinian Rebels, Iraqi Rebels, Iranian Rebels, Taliban Rebels, Al Qaeda Rebels...

as paul said, just like the profilers do. if they analyze the mind of a serial killer, in order to catch him, does that mean they agree with the actions of the serial killer? NO. it means they're analyzing his mind, trying to understand his motives, his reason behind his actions, in order to stop him.
what i've been saying half a dozen time already is that it might be useful to do the same with these terrorists. analyze their motives, so you understand their reasoning (doesn't matter whether it's logical, human etc to us, because it's all of that to them) so you can catch/kill/stop them.
A profiler does it in private, to assist those who will stop those being profiled. The media or the general public doing the same thing give justification to the unjustifiable. It's psy/ops.
i never said there should be a public discussion about it, nor that the media should get involved. the people who are responsible for solving these terrorist threats should worry about these things though.
the goal is to stop these kind of threats, not to judge.
Our job is to judge. Our judgement makes it clear that these things are not acceptable.
Shadowfax said:
i never said there should be a public discussion about it, nor that the media should get involved. the people who are responsible for solving these terrorist threats should worry about these things though.
the goal is to stop these kind of threats, not to judge.

Is this not a public discussion?
BBC said:
At least 100 bodies have reportedly been found in a school in southern Russia where Chechen separatists had been holding hundreds of hostages.
Heavy gunfire and loud explosions were heard throughout the morning as Russian troops stormed the school, in the town of Beslan in North Ossetia.

There is confusion as to why the Russian forces went in, as the operation seems to have been unplanned.

Hundreds of children were freed in the seizure, though some are badly injured.

Russian officials confirmed that some dead had been found inside the school, while a correspondent for the Interfax news agency put the number at more than 100.

More than 400 people were injured.
What I heard started it was an incident during a food run. Food was being brought in for the kids etc...a few kids made a run for it...the Chechens shot at them, the Russian's shot back...and it made sence to rush at that point.

Explosions heard inside as some of the terrorists exploded their bombs, roof partially collapsed. Big friggin' mess!
I blame the media...including the internet, for bringing to our attention these terrorist actions. If the world didn't know what was happening, then we wouldn't be in an uproar over it, we wouldn't be paying attention to the 'reasoning' behind the terrorist actions, and at worst..their actions would only affect those immediatly involved. All that effort and only about 20 people know. The GVT could palce a control over what goes into the media to make sure that everything that happened wouldn't get out. Perhaps...it was merely another traffic accident. Faced with no media whatsoever and no recognition for their actions, the terrorists would stop doing what they're doing. After all...they are only doing it for childish reasons like media attention or the attention of those affected. Terror spreads through word of mouth and media...put a stop to it and all terror stops. Terrorists go home and find another way other than bombings...maybe something politically accepteable.

The last official statement I'd heard was that the russians had negotiated to remove the bodies lying outside the school, and the terrorists openned fire on them.
I heard they were allowing 20 deaqd bodies to be removed when, intentionally or accidentally, an explosion took place. Kids & adults panicked & began running, TERRORISTS began shooting & Russian military shot back and chaos took over.

Bish, in principle, your thoughts on the media make sense. Don't give them a spotlight & they'll have nothing to look for. Then I realize that terrorism began around the French revolution (another fine French product) & there was no CNN or NY Times then. :shrug:
I don't think the media would totally eliminate terrorism. I am sure it does play a big part in it at the same time though. How much coverage would Bin Laden have if it wasn't for Al-Jazerra?
I found the media frenzy last night over the hostage situation be be quite sickening. They were following around these poor bastards stripped to their underwear.... as if the kids hadn't been through enough to live through it and end up with fucking journos following them around. :mad:
yeah blame the jounalist for all of it. :retard7:

I was up til 6am watching the entire ordeal on split screen TV. It was one of the most dramatic moment I have seen on TV. 9/11, Colombine, Munich '72. The media reports ~what happens to inform people, what I learned from it was that security is number one priority, few other things really matter all that much. Even CNN called them terrorist last night.

The media is essential in the world, I'd rather know what is going on out there. If the media would just stick to reporting and forget their politics maybe the world would better place.
Gonz said:
A profiler does it in private, to assist those who will stop those being profiled. The media or the general public doing the same thing give justification to the unjustifiable. It's psy/ops.

so would you be adverse to trying to understand why without it being public?