unclehobart said:I just measured the blade. It comes in at like 2 mm shy of 5 inches ... making it just capable of skating under most of the 5 inch laws.
unclehobart said:Lucky? Explain. It was for sale and I purchased it. I'm not sure how luck enters into it.
unclehobart said:Thats just in regards to the UK law. I've no idea what my own state laws are. Besides, I have a concealed weapons permit. I can have a broadsword on my hip if I felt like it.
unclehobart said:Thats just in regards to the UK law. I've no idea what my own state laws are. Besides, I have a concealed weapons permit. I can have a broadsword on my hip if I felt like it.
unclehobart said:Probably thought you were a uni fraternity on an all night bender.