The 10,000 Post Thread!

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The game of craps was originally thought to be an old street hustle game from the 1700s called 'crabs eyes', describing the dreaded double 1 combo. Lingo, accent, and time morphed it into simply 'craps'. The game became a solidified gambling staple by the mid 1800s. The toilet variant of the name did not come about until the late 1800s. Threfore... yes... it too predated the bad connotation of the word.
Just another 2567 posts to go. Come on, don't give up now.

Does any one hunt or fish? What equipment do you use, when did you start, what's you most memorable catch? Got any funny stories about things that happened to you or friends and family? Do you eat your catch? If not, why not? Have you got some good recipes for said catch..... the list goes on..... so gather round the campfire for a chinwag and a few tall tales... :D
my brother in law hunts and fishes. i went fishing once with him it was fun id like to go again and id like to try hunting but i dont know if i can kill something that isnt a threat to my life.
I like camping and the outdoors, but not sure about fishing. Definitely don't want to go hunting but I have skinned rabbits before, just not killed them myself. Even though I am an avid first person shooter player I don't really wanna shoot at anything living in real life
i used to hunt, as for equipment, something out of family stockpile. honestly, on my Dad's side of the family there's enough firepower to double the size of the Iraqi military. I haven't hunted in several years, I can't kill living things.
... and there was me thinking that all americans were into the great outdoors and shooting or catching anything that dares to cross your path... and the scots? well they're just weird... so much for stereotyping... :lol:

Of course if you consider me then you have to also look at my ethnic background - a half scots grandfather and welsh grandmother whose mother was born in ireland to a dutch jew on my fathers side, and a german mother with austrian and french(jewish) great-grandparents and a prussian(polish) name. Sort that one out. :eek:
Nah... thats regional.. and rural.. and still a bit rare. I dare say only like 2% of the population hunts while upwards of 5-6% fish.
Public hunting grounds here are a joke. You're more likely to shoot another hunter than game. Too crowded.

I like fishing better anyway. :) I can enjoy the serenity of the outdoors in peaceful silence (depending on where I'm at, of course).
one of my Dad's friends had several hundred acres of land that we hunted, I'm pretty sure he just sold it. :( beautiful area too.
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