The 10,000 Post Thread!

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OK, since hunting doesn't seem to appeal, what's the maddest thing you've ever done?

Getting stuck in the mud up to my thighs out on the salt marsh as the tide came in when I was on my own... that was scarey... riding a motorbike 16 miles through a howling blizzard... that was cold!... taking part in viking renactments, probably... that was just plain crazy... but fun. :)
Its not something that I did, buuuut...

I was 4 and with my babysitter, Pat. He was a 17 y/o skinny blonde adventureous sort and all around great guy. He and his best freind hauled us down to the local lake, all of 200 meters away, that had some fairly sizeable catfish. His friend kept doing more and more outlandish windups to try and get a longer cast. Bad luck finally reared its ugly head. he did this one off centerline looping cast while Pat was turned sideways and bent over slightly rebaiting his hook. His friend had managed to hook Pats eye on the cast... which caused a fair amount of high drama to be sure. Hospital, surgery, much screaming and cursing, abandoned kids by the lakeside. You can imagine the fallout that followed on that one.
post number 7447. have you spoken to him since the accident unc or did your parents not let him care for ya after that? cool new sig by the way whats it from?
*sigh* Yup, still going :D Maybe we should have a compulsary "You have to post here once a day" so we can get this thread up to 10'000 already :D

unclehobart said:
Hospital, surgery, much screaming and cursing, abandoned kids by the lakeside. You can imagine the fallout that followed on that one.

What happened to his eye, was he OK? :(

The worst thing that happened at a re-enactment happened to someone else. My brother and this other guy "Yak" were in a one to one combat, when his axe glaced off the edge of Yak's shield and struck him across the shin - result: blood everywhere, 4 inch gash, a trip to hospital and a large number of stitches after I'd given him first aid. Gods knows what a sharp blade would have done! It was one of these little fellas on the left:

Can't rightly say what happend to him. After surgery and rehab he was pretty much old enough for college ... but I think he went into the navy. I guess he was ok... ' cause the navy won't exactly take you with just one eye. My parents gave up on babysitters soon after as most of them were stealing or selling drugs out of the place anyway.
unclehobart said:
NW Atlanta suburbs... about 4 miles from where I am now.

I hope to be over 1000 miles away from where I grew up in just over a year. It's kind of hard to get out of MN, from what I hear though. What say you, Mr. Tommyj?
One blizzard isn't enough to break a drought and restore the water table though. You need regular sustained precipitation for that. :(
Indeed... Its just that their drought is so bad that its interrupting drinking water reserves..let alone just restricting lawn watering and stuff. I think snow melt is only equivalent to 1/10th its depth in real water... even then.. this is somewhere near 4 inches of decent water.
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