The 10,000 Post Thread!

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unclehobart said:
Frodo failed... lol

:eek: :lol:

Lemme see... got up at 7 after 5 1/2 hours sleep, raised the dead (Katie) got her washed, dressed, feed and on the bus by 8.15, dodging round my niece who is staying and hoggin the bathroom... niece left for college at 8.15 also... relaxed with the paper until 9, got washed and dressed.... Phoned mum to make sure she's ok for a short convo that lasted 45 minutes (don't they ramble?)... Finally got to do some spanish homework until 11.30 then headed off for class at 12.15 until 2.45... Got home at 3.15 and continued working on coursework for teaching certificate... Katie arrived home at 3.45, demanded food, talked about her day and then off to play on her computer... Continued coursework until 5.30 when I made Katie's tea and my dinner. After dinner I sorted out what I needed to take to class... Niece arrived at 6.30pm to babysit, gave her instructions and left at 6.45 to be in class for 7 - 9.30pm... Got home at 9.50 and put Katie to bed... 10pm put Katie to bed... 10.15 put Katie to bed... 10.30pm put Katie to bed... 11pm finally got Katie to stay in bed... watched TV and talked with niece... niece went to bed at 12, then I surfed until 1... fed the cat and went to bed. And it wasn't even a work day...
hopefully it doesn't get hyper 7800 posts is a lot of weight to be bouncing off the walls in here, might crash through the wall into town hall
Vortex said:
tommyj27 said:
omg, aunty turned into tux!
tux?? ke??
Aunty Em said:
please state the nature of your post...
to... uh... uh... *swirls toe in sand* Take over the world

believe that? :alienhuh:

Tux is the penguin blinking at you from my av... otherwise known as the Linux mascot....

... and you can't take over the world.... Tux and I are doing that!... you'll have to join the queue....

It is our ambition to gain control of all the world's cookies, thus depriving you of your coffee and tea breaks until you acknowledge us as your rightful rulers and give us all your money... :evilgrin:

"Death to Windows, death to Mac OS and Long Live Linux!"....

...."Was that double choc chip Tux, or do you prefer hazlenut choc chip with you latte?"....
i was referring to fury's chat-bot that he was modifying for use on the board, search for posts by the user tux
Aunty Em said:
you'll have to join the queue....
*takes a number*

Damn, I'm number 1'329'834'756'923'857'362'083'429'825'634'891'856.6 for taking over the world.

*kicks dirt*
Spot said:
why dont you come with me Squiggy...i have this really nice ER bed for you.....

Ooooooo Pick me, Pick me!!!!!:clap: :clap: :clap:

You do have one for me too, don't you?
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