The 10,000 Post Thread!

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Spot said:
here, take this pill. its just a mild sedative

:rofl: :rofl:

Sorry, it's just that I took four of those before I walked in here, got something a little stronger?
PuterTutor said:
Sorry, it's just that I took four of those before I walked in here, got something a little stronger?

oh hell yeah.

PuterTutor said:
Why does that room over there say "PT's Room"?

we've been waiting for you.

dont mind the sceaming guy thats tied down. i just haven't had a chance to medicate him yet. he cant hurt you.
Spot said:
dont mind the sceaming guy thats tied down. i just haven't had a chance to medicate him yet. he cant hurt you.

DADDY!!!! It's YOU!!!!!!
now you 2 settle down or i'll have to give you a shot of something a bit stronger.
Squiggy said:
How could I not believe those big eyes....And why is Spot strapping me to this bed? :retard:

... should I say enema... or will colonic washout do... *nursing gives you such good ideas for torture... :D
freako104 said:
Aunty Em said:
*nursing gives you such good ideas for torture...

so does first aid class and also history class :D :evil2:

Maybe we could start up an OTC Inquisition? Now who's first on the list for re-education..... *scans the horizon for right-wing sightings.... :lol:

I'll get the hose and funnel, you get the ice..... :evilgrin:
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