The 10,000 Post Thread!

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WOW! I've NEVER had anyone volunteer to be tortured before.... :eek: *reels back in shock :D

... or are you just volunteering to join the torture team? :mope:
tommyj27 said:
i wasn't volunteering, i was going to nominate squiggy :D

.... for re-education? Nah, it would never work... we need to maintain a 100% conversion rate to be successfully feared throughout the BBS... we need a softer target... either that or we invade another BBS and cause havoc there instead.... :LOL: :D
freako104 said:
ill volunteer to do both torture and be tortured :D

Oo-oh... Kinky! :lol:

Actually.... if we deprive Squiggy of his coffee I reckon that will be torture...

We could chain him to the wall and put the coffee pot just out of reach... how long do you think it would take him to gnaw through his ankle to reach it? :evilgrin:

Oh, I've given up on the re-education btw, 'cos I don't think it would work on anyone here, so I've just decided to go for straight torture... sorry Sqiggy blame Tommy for nominating you... :D
Aunty Em said:
Oo-oh... Kinky!

:D thats how i am :D and proud of it too

Aunty Em said:
Actually.... if we deprive Squiggy of his coffee I reckon that will be torture...

We could chain him to the wall and put the coffee pot just out of reach... how long do you think it would take him to gnaw through his ankle to reach it?

as great as that sounds its too inhumane for me

Aunty Em said:
Oh, I've given up on the re-education btw, 'cos I don't think it would work on anyone here, so I've just decided to go for straight torture... sorry Sqiggy blame Tommy for nominating you...

just torture. re-education is for punishmetn torture is for fun :)
EvilRemix said:
Wow, and I thought us guys had strange minds. Just remember, you saw it here folks, the women brought it up first :p

It's hanging around here that does it! I was a normal, happy housewife until I found OTC.

Now I'm a computer crazed, robot builder with sadistic tendencies... and it took less than six months... :eek:


If you believe that..... :retard:

Get the whips out lads, we've found another poor soul who's lost his way and needs enlightening..... :whip: :brow:
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