The Corrupted Wish Game

Granted, unfortunately everything around it shrinks so the grass is still too tall.

I wish there were something good to watch on the television tonight.
Granted. Unfortuantely, the program's so good all your neighbors throw huge parties to watch it and blow out the power to your whole area.

I wish I had something better to do next weekend (which is 4 days, woohoo!) other than mind-numbing meetings... :retard:
Granted, but there's so much alcohol involved that you don't know if the new rumors about you are hearsay or are actually true. :D

I wish I didn't have to move 2 hours away from Laurie. :(
Granted. You now have to move 3 hours away from Laurie.

I wish i had the game Painkiller right now instead of having to *cough* buy it.
Kawaii said:
Granted. You now have to move 3 hours away from Laurie.

I wish i had the game Painkiller right now instead of having to *cough* buy it.
Granted but instead you shoplift it from a stand in Saudi Arabia, are caught and have both of your hands cut off at the wrist. However the axe they use is blunt and rusty and takes 37 attempts. Per hand.

I wish something interesting, non threatening, nonlethal and nondescructive happens today, also it shouldnt be nondescript either.
Granted, that, stuff happens. but, erm, Alexes brain explodes from having to figure out an answer to this bloody uncorruptable wish.

I wish Stew wouldn't do that.
Gratned, but now Stewey is missing and you're the prime suspect in the case.

I wish I the screaming asshole neighbors would all go mute.
Rose said:
Gratned, but now Stewey is missing and you're the prime suspect in the case.
Been there done that once or twice, 'member? ;)

granted. But as you go to bowl, you slip fall back and the ball hits you in the face. You get the picture.

I wish I could get rid of this headache without removing it from my shoulders, forcibly or otherwise, having it explosive blown from the inside or having a large insect suck it and my brain from my head through a drinking straw-like proboscis a la starship troopers
Granted, but now your head is numb, in fact, your whole body is numb and you are in a vegetative state.

I wish a friend of mine would win a million dollars ... and remember lil' ol' me.
Granted, he buys you one (count 'em) beer at a local watering hole berfore announcing he no longer has time or interest in the "riff-raff." (i.e. you and his other former friends)

I wish I could fart the Star Spangled Banner.
Granted but your laziness transfers to me, and I can't be arsed to fuck the wish up.

I wish they had pizza huts in cambodia...
Spunky said:
Granted but your laziness transfers to me, and I can't be arsed to fuck the wish up.

I wish they had pizza huts in cambodia...
Granted, but you work for shit wages slicing pepperoni at one.

I wish I could afford to pay someone to open the cee-ment pond each year.
Granted, but unfortunately instead of the cement pond you think, you open a website of the same name (since i've been so lazy to do so). *lol*

I wish I had a million wishes to wish.
Rose said:
Granted, but unfortunately instead of the cement pond you think, you open a website of the same name (since i've been so lazy to do so). *lol*

I wish I had a million wishes to wish.

Granted. Unfortunately they all come true at once and you find yourself buried under ooodles of cash, gaggles of nubile young men, hundreds of thousands of signed agreements for world piece, a factroy full of your favourite clothes and the jeep in neon pink with fluffy dice that caught your eye.

I wish I had a jacuzzi and a waterproof computer.
Granted, but the person doing the job thinks that "get rid" means "move to the back yard"

I wish that I got a fucked up wish.
Granted. they get very healthy very quickly and do in fact win summit. Then they are busted for steroid abuse and are put out into "retirement" pastures......their trophies stripped from them in the process.

I wish I wasn't so tired :yawn: