The Corrupted Wish Game

Granted. (can't think of a single reason why it shouldn't be 11th of August) ....... but you forget that the 11th is also a good friends b'day, so the 12th ain't gonna be full of shits and giggles for ya.

I wish I had a motorbike...
Granted, you get one with a remote control even! :lloyd: You still gotta buy your own batteries, though.

I wish I had a digital camera where the flash actually worked...
Stop Laughing said:
Granted, you get one with a remote control even! :lloyd: You still gotta buy your own batteries, though.

I wish I had a digital camera where the flash actually worked...

Granted, but that is all that works...the flash goes off but no pictures get taken

I wish I was done work for the summer
Nixy said:
Granted, but that is all that works...the flash goes off but no pictures get taken

I wish I was done work for the summer
Granted, but it's only because it's the start of the next ice age. (Next summer is 20,000 years away)

I wish I had some ice cream.
chcr said:
Granted, but it's only because it's the start of the next ice age. (Next summer is 20,000 years away)

I wish I had some ice cream.

Granted, but as soon as the ice cream is handed to you I steal it away and eat it :brush:

I wish i knew why the brushing teeth smilie has blue teeth
granted... but u've completely forgotten why u wanted it to be August 11th in the first place and spend all day trying to remember only to remember the next day when it's too late.

I wish my hair wasn't turning grey
Granted, now your hair is turning kiwi green.

I wish that my stupid boss would find another job.
SexyBoo said:
Granted, now your hair is turning kiwi green.

I wish that my stupid boss would find another job.

Granted. He's demoted into your position. You're fired.

I wish these fries tasted better.
Oz said:
Granted. (can't think of a single reason why it shouldn't be 11th of August) ....... but you forget that the 11th is also a good friends b'day, so the 12th ain't gonna be full of shits and giggles for ya.
(Like I care, I'll be in Canada at that point!)

Granted but in the process of savouring those fries, you bite your tongue off and choke on it.

I wish it would thunder
Raven said:
(Like I care, I'll be in Canada at that point!)

Granted but in the process of savouring those fries, you bite your tongue off and choke on it.

I wish it would thunder

granted, but the lightning that proceeds thunder lanced through your body, so you'll never hear it.

I wish there were no such people as terrorists...
Granted. They're all now Freedom Fighters.

I wish I hadn't just finished my last drop of tea. Now I have to go make another cup.
granted but as you finish the last drop and it refills, it curiously turns into concentrated sulphuric acid. Along with the already ingested tea. You get the picture.

I wish I had a pony just for the hell of it
Granted, but it appears in your bed hacked to pieces, ala Godfather...

I wish the stupid playstation2 DVD player hadn't packed a sad. Can't play my Bablylon 5 DVDs. :mope:
BeardofPants said:
Granted, but it appears in your bed hacked to pieces, ala Godfather...

I wish the stupid playstation2 DVD player hadn't packed a sad. Can't play my Bablylon 5 DVDs. :mope:



Granted but instead of merely not playing the DVD, the drive opens suddenly, spitting it out and embedding it in your forehead not a la the godfather.

I wish I could watch Dune and Children of Dune ;)
Raven said:
I wish I could watch Dune and Children of Dune ;)
Granted...but you end up watching a bunch of sand and some kids playing around in it.

I wish that that there were more hours in a day.
Oz said:
Granted! Welcome to the "joys" of the 72 hour working day.

I wish I had a kebab :(
Granted, but it involves a squewer through your left thigh, your nuts, and your right thigh

I wish that long distance calls were free.
MrBishop said:
Granted, but it involves a squewer through your left thigh, your nuts, and your right thigh

I wish that long distance calls were free.

Granted, you now make then by going outside with a megaphone. And so does everyone else.

I wish I had some milk for my tea.
Granted, but how are you going to get the cow out of your office? (or the umm... droppings)

I wish my grass would grow to the specific height I want it then stop.