The Corrupted Wish Game

granted but you become a drug addicted rock star who sells out and loses all his fans.

I wish I could sleep
Raven said:
Granted, all your teeth spontaneously fall out.

I wish I was more proficient at playing my bass guitar

Granted...hope there's a market for playing with fish... :D

I wish I knew what the future held for me...
SouthernN'Proud said:
Granted. It's all right here on this 1/2" square note card.

I wish it was a shorter walk to the restroom.

Granted! Cup your hands. :lloyd:

I wish there were an easier way to make good biscuits and gravy.
Granted. Your definition of good just changed to anything smelling remotely better than dogshit.

I wish it were time to leave.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Granted. See the figure in black with the sickle in hand on your way out.

I wish I had majored in Historic Preservation in college.
Granted, but with the degree, they hand you a roll of black tape, some scissors and point you to a table in the corner filled with broken down books "Preserve this"

I wish that I had a faster machine at home.
Granted. Along with some burn creme and some clean undies to replace those with pizza in the crotch.

I wish I knew what to wish for.
Granted, but now you know too much about wishing and wish that you never would have known

I wish that Role Playing games didn't take so darn long
Granted, you are now number 1 on the FBI's wanted list for assassinating Reality TV type people.

I wish I had more money to spend on what I want
Granted. The cost of everything you want has now quadrupled.

I wish Joe Paterno, much as I love the guy, would retire while he still has some dignity left.
Granted, and as a special favour to his fans, he comes and lives with you.

I wish it wasn't so freaking cold and wet outside. you're in a desert with no food or water...

I wish I could see all of the Steelers games this year.
Granted, but the Cordell Stewart led teams of the late 90's come back.

I wish I didn't have to deal with all this crap today.
Granted, due to your procrastination you have to deal with it tomorrow, and the crap you put off tomorrow you have to deal with the day after ad infinitum.

I wish I had a wish to be evilly corrupted.