The Corrupted Wish Game

Raven said:
Granted, due to your procrastination you have to deal with it tomorrow, and the crap you put off tomorrow you have to deal with the day after ad infinitum.

I wish I had a wish to be evilly corrupted.

granted but you can wish no more.

wish I could get a date
Granted...but it's the fruit, not the night of passion...and it's rotten :p

I wish I could fly...
Granted. Unfortunately your landing technique allows the parametics to use the small spatula when they collect you.

I wish I had already read all those books on my shelf.
Starya said:
Granted. Unfortunately your landing technique allows the parametics to use the small spatula when they collect you.

I wish I had already read all those books on my shelf.
Granted your wish is corrupted in some way.

I wish I knew how to corrupt Starya's wish :confused:
Raven said:
Granted your wish is corrupted in some way.

I wish I knew how to corrupt Starya's wish :confused:

Granted. You are then immediately struck with an overpowering amnesia and forget how you intended to corrupt it in the first place.

I wish Dolly Parton would drop into a worm hole and disappear.
Granted...unfortunately, you are dragged in with her, and are forced to endure her singing that song from "The Bodyguard" for eternity...

I wish I could live for 1000 years.
Granted, you won't always look as youthful as you do now....and tell us what it's like with no-one left after ww3?

I wish I hadn't gone out in the rain and cold for my lunch
Granted. As you sat inside all warm and cozy a piece of debris from a distant construction zone blast knocks out your window, leaving you cold and wet.

I wish Hillary Duff would hurry up and turn 18. :la:
Granted. She's now 18, and legal. Unfortunately, the same chance occurance that aged her to 18 aged you to 80, and you don't have the strength to do more than ponder the possibilities.

I wish all my inspections were as calm as the one I just had.
Gato_Solo said:
I wish all my inspections were as calm as the one I just had.
Granted cause they up and declared peace and you're the only employee in the Army now.

I wish that I hadn't erased that slick pic of the Leslie up the skirt shot that Squiggs had posted a year ago :(
Granted, you have been redeployed to Alaska and your male base commander has a thing for you :D

I wish some tech support firms werent so useless :(
Raven said:
I wish some tech support firms werent so useless :(

Granted...they're now extremely 1-800-porn-talk site operators

I wish that Stew would learn to type faster so he doesn't overtype my corruptions :D
Granted. Now You are the one being deployed to Alaska with a male commander who has a thing for you. :D

I wish Bish wouldn't leave me such good openings to corrupt his wishes. :D
Gato_Solo said:
Granted. Now You are the one being deployed to Alaska with a commander who has a thing for you. :D

I wish Bish wouldn't leave me such good openings to corrupt his wishes. :D

Thanks for not mentioning male base commander :D

Granted but OTC shuts down for lack of interesting posts.

I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Weiner
MrBishop said:
Thanks for not mentioning male base commander :D

Granted but OTC shuts down for lack of interesting posts.

I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Weiner

Granted. Now your commander is male, and he's in love with you. :p

I wish I could think of something funnier to go with that last wish I granted...
granted, but you are the only one who thinks it is funny or will ever think it is funny and you are so amused that you must be locked up as everyone thinks you are a nutbag.

I wish that my Chem teacher wouldn't be so monotone.
Granted but an imp from the ninth circle of hell appears in a puff of smoke and pokes out your eardrums.

I wish I was more "normal" whatever that is.....
markjs said:
Granted but an imp from the ninth circle of hell appears in a puff of smoke and pokes out your eardrums.

I wish I was more "normal" whatever that is.....
Granted, you now live the most boring life in existence.

I wish I could think straight
Raven said:
Granted, you now live the most boring life in existence.

I wish I could think straight

granted, you can think straight, but now you walk crooked.

I wish i could find that genie lamp on the beach and get my one wish to come true.....