The Corrupted Wish Game

Unfortunately its the genie of this thread and your wish is horribly twisted.

I wish I wasnt so freaking shy at times...
Raven said:
Unfortunately its the genie of this thread and your wish is horribly twisted.

I wish I wasnt so freaking shy at times...

Granted. Now you're an egotistical arse...

I wish I could keep my working hours...
Gato_Solo said:
Granted. Now you're an egotistical arse...

I wish I could keep my working hours...
Granted put your pay drops to minimum wage instead

I wish I could drive
Thanks...that means I'll be earning the following...

$230 per week for 40 hours standard work week
$368 per week for the other 128 hours I'm on stand-by
$598 per week total...not counting housing allowance of $819 per month...and $248 per month for groceries.

Quite a bit more than I earn right now as a salaried employee. If I was on 12-hour shifts, I'd be making about $50 extra per week. :worship: You are the Genie... :worship:

Anyhow...I wish I could sell back more of my leave...
I said 'wage' not 'salary' ;)

Granted, however they screw up your files and you end up buying 5000 hours instead.

I wish it would snow tomorrow
Granted. But, it will continue to snow for every day the next year. Wanna borrow my knitted mittens?

I wish I hadn't eaten that last piece of brownie. *opens belt*
Starya said:
Granted. But, it will continue to snow for every day the next year. Wanna borrow my knitted mittens?

I wish I hadn't eaten that last piece of brownie. *opens belt*
I like snow :)

Granted, you now have chronic vomiting problems which will prevent you from eating easily again.

I wish I wasnt such a dumbass
Granted. You know have the wisest ass on the planet. Too bad it ain't connected to any parts that let it communicate. Except from farting in morse, that is.

I wish my computer worked faster.
Granted but it turns into a mac or a pc whichever one you don't know how to use, or running a complicated version of linux.

I wish I had a car.
markjs said:
Granted but it turns into a mac or a pc whichever one you don't know how to use, or running a complicated version of linux.
Actually, that would be kinda neat. A new toy to figure out! :lloyd:

I wish I had a car.
Granted. A new, shining porche materialises over your head and.. Ooops. Where's that spatula again?

I wish I didn't have a headache. (I dread the corruption of this one..)
markjs said:
Granted but it's because you were just decapitated.

I wish I had a state of the art gaming computer.
Granted, you got it from Alienware. Except the Alien is hungry......

I wish I was funnier at times
Granted you are struck with the same random illness that has afflicted me

I wish I could sing
LAME you can't use the same affliction twice....except that you did.....

Granted but the only song that comes out is that of a sparrow.

I wish I was knockout good looking.
markjs said:
LAME you can't use the same affliction twice....except that you did.....

Granted but the only song that comes out is that of a sparrow.

I wish I was knoclkout good looking.

Granted. You're so good looking that every man who sees you knocks you out. :D

I wish I could get a bit more 'buff'...
You are in the buff always....clothes you try to wear disintegrate and you have to spend all your days in a nudist colony in a cold climate.

I wish I was 10 years younger.
Granted but the time reversal doesn't stop properly and you are now living your life in reverse.

I wish I had my own net connection
Granted. You are now a tuna, with a gillplate caught in a net. Enjoy your connection

I wish I was fishing right now.