The Corrupted Wish Game

granted, you are now an insomniac and start hallucinating about fingers crawling across the floor, and giant mutated babies in your bathtub like that guy in Chasing Sleep.

I wish that it wasn't so cold outside.
after being sedated with alien drugs you are very your cage with your taser collar.

I wish that Manny didn't stink up the house while using the bathroom.
Raven said:
Granted, your nose falls off.

I wish I had a better paid job

granted, you have a better paying job but its as a Male Prostitute....

I wish my heartburn would go away.
granted but now you have to pay for pills every day to stop it. Further now you are constipated.

I wish I could travel the stars.
markjs said:
granted but now you have to pay for pills every day to stop it. Further now you are constipated.

I wish I could travel the stars.

Granted you get to travel to the stars, only to find your stuck up there forever.

I wish I left the garden alone and then I wouldnt have all these red ant bites all over me.
granted, but instead, termites infest your house and eat all the walls and roof and most of the flooring so you must now use the garden space to place your sleeping bags.

I wish that I didn;t have to go to the grocery store.
PrincessLissa said:
granted, but instead, termites infest your house and eat all the walls and roof and most of the flooring so you must now use the garden space to place your sleeping bags.

I wish that I didn;t have to go to the grocery store.

Granted, but now the Swans man that comes to house to deliver food is stalking you night and day.

I wish it was time for bed.
granted, but you don't wake up in time for work and you are fired with no chance of re-hire or unemployment.

I wish that my daughters step mom wasn't such a pain in my ass.
Granted, how does murder one feel?

I wish I hadn't sent an email to someone I work with on saturday night....
Granted. You instead told them the information in person while standing outside your workplace, when a steamroller camer careening down the street out of control...

I wish this house had central heat instead of having to burn wood for heat.
Granted but its permantly stuck at 110. Thats celsius, not faranheit by the way.

I wish public transport was cheaper
Granted but there is a worldwide pecan shortage and pecans are over $500 a pound making a pecan pie a luxury you cannot afford....

I wish I had three wishes.....
Granted. Your first wish is for money, which promptly materialises in a safe above your head. The second is for women and a thousand angry feminists with a bone to pick appear at your door. Finally you wish for fame.....and attract a psychopathic stalker who is intent to show their love for you by carving her name and a heart into your bloody corpse. Enjoy.

I wish I could lose a bit of weight
Raven said:
Granted. Your first wish is for money, which promptly materialises in a safe above your head. The second is for women and a thousand angry feminists with a bone to pick appear at your door. Finally you wish for fame.....and attract a psychopathic stalker who is intent to show their love for you by carving her name and a heart into your bloody corpse. Enjoy.

I wish I could lose a bit of weight

granted, you lose a bit of weight, but gain 3 bits back.

I wish PrincessLissa would have that baby already and give us some excitement around here, and pics.