The Corrupted Wish Game

Granted, but now u are required to work 24/7 52 weeks a year...

I wish I could go on a holiday to the carribean...
Granted you get that holiday to the island, but come to find out it was washed away but a hurricane.

I wish all in the house wasn't getting a chest cold!
Granted... ur getting a nasty bout of flu instead that will put you out of action for at least 2 weeks... and make you feel like you've been through the wringer...

I wish someone would buy me a surprise present for christmas...
Granted, one flamming bag of dog poo coming right up.

I wish it was tomorrow so that I could have my ultrasound and find out the baby's sex.
Granted, it's tomorrow and u have just discovered u are having a litter of kittens...

I wish I had a large piece of chocolate cheesecake smothered with cream because my sweet tooth is driving me mad...
Granted, but your sweet tooth is so infected that each and every bite is so painful that you will wish for your teeth to fall out.

I wish that I had some Thai food right now.
Poof, Thai food appears. It was bad and you spend tomorrow with stomach cramps and projectile diarrhea.

I wish I would get the gubmint job I'm up for.
Granted, but on your day off the whole place blows up and you no longer have a job.

I wish that I had the clear thread I need for the appliques on my friend's quilt.
Granted... but you lose it because it's clear, so you can't see it.

I wish I knew what I want for Christmas
Granted, but no-one else will know so you'll still get stuff you dont want.

I wish I didnt know what I wanted for xmas and save the dissapointment.
staffrodore said:
Granted, but no-one else will know so you'll still get stuff you dont want.

I wish I didnt know what I wanted for xmas and save the dissapointment.

Granted. You no longer know what you want for Christmas, or much of anything else, except that the nice lady in yon chair is from the Alzheimer's Support Group...ol' what's her name....ummm...

I wish the 200 or so CDs of my choice I need to round out my collection would magically appear just beside the ones I already own and in front of my fully functional CD player and other home audio components in my own home without being damaged or altered in any way, complete with all physical and mental capacities required to enjoy them in the same sense I currently enjoy the ones I already own, with no unpleasant odors, physical sensations, or distortions of auditory quality associated therewith, within the next 60 seconds, and they will never disappear, or be unpleasantly manipulated in any way shape form or fashion...

(God I shoulda went to law school) be simply enjoyed by me for the duration of my life which shall be not less than an additional 45 calendar years from the precise moment in time this wish is read, non-retractible by any source, power or entity.
Granted, but because the wishing gods go by the rule "beggars can't be choosers" and you have put so many stipulations on a silly materialistic wish, you will never again be granted anything that you desire and instead everything that is undesirable will be granted to you and you would rather yourself dead than listening to your music.

I wish that there was milk in the fridge this morning so I could of had cereal.
PrincessLissa said:
Granted, but because the wishing gods go by the rule "beggars can't be choosers" and you have put so many stipulations on a silly materialistic wish, you will never again be granted anything that you desire and instead everything that is undesirable will be granted to you and you would rather yourself dead than listening to your music.

I wish that there was milk in the fridge this morning so I could of had cereal.

Granted...but it's buttermilk...and it's 27 days past the due date. *puke* :D

I wish I had a more fulfilling job... :D
Gato_Solo said:
Granted...but it's buttermilk...and it's 27 days past the due date. *puke* :D

I wish I had a more fulfilling job... :D

Granted. You're now a homosexual male prostitute. Fulfilled enough yet? :evilcool:

I wish Lissa hadn't corrupted my wish so easily, and that the karma gods would allow me to boost as appropriate.
Granted, now everyone and not just Lissa can corrupt your wishes eaisly, although you can't make any. :D :p

I wish that it was time to go to the doctor already!
Granted, you slip and break your shoulder so it's dangling there. I'd say that's a good time to go to the doctor's...

I wish it wouldn't be so cold this week.
Granted, this week is nice and warm and perfect but starting Monday, the next Ice Age begins.

I wish that my sister was a mute.
PrincessLissa said:
Granted, this week is nice and warm and perfect but starting Monday, the next Ice Age begins.

I wish that my sister was a mute.

Granted. At the same instant, you become a PSTR...Person Specific Telepathic Receiver. You can now hear nothing but her unspoken thoughts.

I wish the Tin Woodsman would finally find a heart....
Granted, but it's because u've suddenly gone stone deaf...

I wish my leg was better and I had an appointment to see the surgeon who tells me i can have my op immediately after new year and I get better...
Aunty Em said:
Granted, but it's because u've suddenly gone stone deaf...

I wish my leg was better and I had an appointment to see the surgeon who tells me i can have my op immediately after new year and I get better...

Granted...but there are complications. Ever hear of cryogenics?

I wish I could file my taxes early this coming year.