The Corrupted Wish Game

Granted, but it won't take this year's so instead it refiles last year's and you get audited because of it.

I wish I hadn't run out of toilet paper.
Granted but you become so constipated and no amount of laxitives will fix the problem. Tho when you finally go you will explode your toilet rendering toilet paper utterly useless

I wish it would snow tomorrow
Raven said:
Granted, we're about due an ice age.

I wish I hadn't said I'd work today.

Granted. You're given the day off, with pay, but expected to work all next week, including New Years, without pay.

I wish everyone a happy holiday season, and a prosperous New Year!!!
Granted. Everyone has a beuatiful holiday and New year and your credit card made it all possible. :D

I wish I could take anti- nausea pills.
PrincessLissa said:
Granted. Everyone has a beuatiful holiday and New year and your credit card made it all possible. :D

I wish I could take anti- nausea pills.

Granted, but they make you nauseous.

I wish all my bills were paid by some kind hearted benefactor from afar.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Granted, but they make you nauseous.

I wish all my bills were paid by some kind hearted benefactor from afar.

granted, but they find out you hit the lotto and have to pay them back.

I wish Matt's fevers would go away.
Granted, you have them instead.

I wish my list of -itises would stop growing and start getting better instead.
granted, you find out what he's talking about, but it really disturbs you.

I wish I would get a car already.
Granted, but the oil prices skyrocket leaving you penniless.

I wish I could find a way to squeeze out some extra fps (frames per secound) from my new graphics card.
staffrodore said:
Granted, but the oil prices skyrocket leaving you penniless.

I wish I could find a way to squeeze out some extra fps (frames per secound) from my new graphics card.

granted. Now your CPU can't keep up, and locks your system...permanently. :devious:

I wish I wasn't so good at this...:D
PrincessLissa said:
Granted, but youget really bored without new ones.

I wish I knew what the hell Stewykins was talking about...
Pssst im sick and keep getting sicker ;)

Granted, instead of corrupting everyones wishes they now come true in the most amazing ways.

I wish people would get all of the facts before flying off the handle over nothing.
Granted, but you have to do their research.

I wish I knew why so many people lose/destroy their tax documents.
granted, but the answer firghtens you and the garden gnomes begin to steal your tax documents as well as your underwear.

I wish that my cat was normal.
granted, your cat is normal, but, all it's freaked out friends show up at your doorstep and won't leave it!

I wish I could come up with a good wish!
granted, you didn't eat the burrito, BUT, the baby really wanted you too and it won't stop rolling in your belly....(soorryyyy, don't really wish that on you ;).......)

I wish I didn't have to do laundry 24/7.... :alienhuh:
Granted. You now get to carry it once a month to the local stream in a basket balanced on yer head and beat the laundry on a rock until clean.

I wish Little Caesar's pizza tasted better.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Granted. You now get to carry it once a month to the local stream in a basket balanced on yer head and beat the laundry on a rock until clean.

I wish Little Caesar's pizza tasted better.

Granted. Now the price is so high you can't afford it. :p

I wish my car was in better shape.