The Corrupted Wish Game

Granted. You now understand only cadences.

I wish the damn fish around here would realize it's time to eat, especially things suspended on hooks!
Granted, the fish eat whats on the hook, and your penis is it! :crying4:

Edit because I forgot to wish;

I wish that I did not have choir tonight >.o
Kittie said:
Granted, the fish eat whats on the hook, and your penis is it! :crying4:

Edit because I forgot to wish;

I wish that I did not have choir tonight >.o

Granted, you never have choir again and your voice shrivels up and you start talking like a 60 year woman who smokes 4 packs of cigs a day. Get ready for the Oxygen.

I wish that my dishwasher would stop flooding the cabinets under the sink. (I can only hope the apartment below us ins't flooded)
Granted, because the floor finally rots through and drops into the apartment below.

I wish the sun was out.
chcr said:
Granted, thanks for putting us into perpetual darkness until we freeze. :lloyd:

I wish it was time to go home.

Granted. It is time to go home, but you get to work overtime.

I wish spring would stay sprung around here.
Granted. An artesian spring surfaces under your house and washes it away in a river of splinters.

I wish I had something better for lunch.
Professur said:
Granted. An artesian spring surfaces under your house and washes it away in a river of splinters.

You say that like it would be a bad thing... :lloyd:

I wish I had something better for lunch.

Granted. You have something better for lunch, but it is your last meal.

I wish for world peace. :nerd:
SouthernN'Proud said:
Granted. You have something better for lunch, but it is your last meal.

No, that would be this lunch Why did I let my daughter make my lunch this morning??

I wish for world peace. :nerd:

Granted. All humans are now dead. Thanks.

I wish that wishing worked.
Professur said:
I wish that wishing worked.


It uh, does, and alot of people die due to people wishing death upon them. Way to go >(

i wish that ragnarok online's servers weren't down due to them removing 2x exp D:!
Granted. They're now down due to a mistaken nuclear attack, along with anything electronic within a 200 mile radius.

I wish I hadn't finished that cup of tea. It was good, and the next one simply won't measure up.
granted, that cup of tea that you thought you finished is still full, but so is your bladder and now when you go back to finish it, it is cold!

I wish the boyz and I would stop getting sick with soar throats every month! :alienhuh:
Granted; one of the contractors accidentally started a little fire and now all that remains is the brick shell... oops!

I wish I were done with both my classes NOW with passing grades instead of having a few more weeks to go for that.
Granted. You are done with your classes now, and have passing grades in both. Unfortunately, due to a computer error, your grades were posted to a different student's transcript, and you must now retake both classes.

I wish that once, just once, in my lifetime, my beloved Texas Rangers would win a world series.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I wish that once, just once, in my lifetime, my beloved Texas Rangers would win a world series.

Granted. Unfortunately, the entire state population of Texas was so totally suprised, they all instantly dropped dead of heart attacks.

I wish I didn't have a bowl of flaming noodles for lunch.
Fine with me...I'm in Tennessee. :p

Granted. You now have a flaming bowl of some unidentifiable yet strangely mobile swill for lunch. Enjoy.

I wish I made better wishes.
Granted, unfortunately the only wish you can now make is for better wishes meaning you'll never get anything you'll truly wish for.

I wish I was on the receiving end of that computer error which robbed Inky of his grades.
granted, but you get a nasty virus from it.

I wish i had a sitter for my son today so i didnt have to miss work. :alienhuh: