Southern Discomfort
Granted, but the thing is, she used to hang out in Death Valley with some guy named Manson...
I wish I had a pork chop biscuit.
I wish I had a pork chop biscuit.
Professur said:Granted, you wake up in hospital. You were rushed there last night for an emergency apendectomy, but there was a mixup, and you're now the proud owner of a vagina.
I wish I could see that happen to Paul.
Professur said:Granted, the candy striper assigned to help you with your breakfast, and change your dressings bandages your mouth shut, and stuffs your new vagina full of breakfast cereal.
I wish nothing bad would happen to me in hospital.
Sir_Spamalot said:Granted. Your disbelief is total, and you have a stroke. It leaves you a vegetable, who gets molested by the big guy who changes your diapers.
I wish Paul doesn't realize what just happened
HomeLAN said:Granted. Hee-haw's on and there's no way to turn it off.
I wish it was 5 pm.
Nixy said:Granted, but it's 5pm somewhere across the world so your day is actually just starting
I wish Prof would respond to my PM from last night
paul_valaru said:granted but it is with a picture of him with a mouthful of mangina soaked coco puffs.
I wish i didn't type that
Professur said:So do I
Nixy, I'll respond when I have an answer. Don't be so damn impatient.