Hey Oz-my-man! Thanks for the head's up... or rather beat around the head!
I called his mobile/cell... he didn't answer... I texted... no response...
I went to my weight watcher's weigh-in (lost 4.5 pounds! Wooo-hooo!) called his home to tell him.... Mum said he was "out with friends" I leave a teary voicemail on his mobile along the lines of "I... I know you're at home!... don't involve your Mum!"
I give up.. have a bottle of Stella...
He calls at about 9pm... all quiet voiced and pathetic... and thats the clincher... he sounded pathetic to me! Whinging and whining! I ask him what he wants from me... he says "To be like it was... you haven't been the same since Christmas"
"I lost my dog over Christmas and it was a real family pet... not an inbred guard dog locked away in the out house like yours" (harsh yet fair! I thought)
He says we need honesty... he's "sprung" stuff on me repeatedly throughout our time together like "For 4 years I suffered with....thats why blah-de-blah" "Okay I'll tell you the real reason behind that..." Me I don't do that shit... I saturation bomb any lover of mine with the whole kit and kaboodle from day one... from the scar on my ass... to the reason I need a potnoodle on a morning when hungover.... EVERYTHING! To give them the chance to decide if any of it will be a problem and if so not even bother getting emotionally attached.
After our "talk" I went to pick up my Mum who was out for the night with friends (basically to take a break he waffles on and on and on!) on my return he was on the phone to my SISTER! Waffling on about having the "upmost respect" for her... banging on about how much he loves me but how he doesn't trust me.
He sounds like a bad churned up supercilious remix of old counselling and I mean that... somewhere along the line he's had intensive psycho-therapy to improve self esteem and self worth... but its gone too far... he now sounds self loving and arrogant. But I'm just sumising as did I mention the fact he's not open or honest?

...I'm freaked out by the cliche he spouts.
Now I don't know what to do... he doesn't trust me and so he won't let me be me... my male friends think he's a "bummer" (gay), my sister is starting to lose patients with him and my parents are convinced he's had therapy... which isn't a bad thing but you'd think he'd be honest about it to me!...
Oh! Oh! Oh! I forgot to mention.. the whole "thing" outside the club well... no wonder I can't remember... apparently I passed out! Freaking too much beer... (its also a family trait.. dangerous I know) He... walks away! Walks away from me embarrassed!!!!
Now I know its embarrasing I've been their often enough with my sister but concern usually over rides the blush factor... so while I'm out and being lifted up by my mate Guy... Bex goes mental on his ass! "Don't you fucking walk away from her!.. .ETC ETC"
So thats the thing that made his voice go wavery... the fact he left me out cold on a pavement as he found it embarrassing!
So I think the scales are tipping towards me... as you were suggesting... "running" away from this guy!