I think I would pay to see that.I ain't singin' kumbaya though.

I think I would pay to see that.I ain't singin' kumbaya though.
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It prolly not a stretch to assume that you have personally experienced the great wonders of bile. A few hours on the bathroom floor repeatedly forcing your guts up into your thorax as saliva pours out of your open mouth. -- bile can be a powerful lesson of what not to do.
It can take some people years to appreciate the relationship of their own behaviors to the resulting actions. Most people effort behavioral changes that will reduce the likely hood they will again force orange goo from their guts. .... some people have to experience it a few more times.
Bile has several functions, some functions are unpleasant and yet serves an important purpose.
The AUP? Can you link it? These are the only rules I could find:![]()
One needs not to be abusive or rude for liable to occur. There have been dozens of cases where liable has potential for legal recourse, but in reality the chances of the forum being held responsible for the actions of a poster are extremely small. I'm more speaking to profess/poli/actors whom we discuss here. If the forum published it own news page the issue would be relevant.Granted....it also reflects the necessity of protecting the owner/operator of said site from legal ramifications and lawsuits. The same can be said for any place of business or center of education. FoS can and is often more restricted there than here. You must admit that this place is not moderated with a heavy hand.
I support this protocol 100%, move to close.
Please take special note of 5.7
Thank you for your interest.
Repetitive shit stirring, use of the AUP as a general defense tactic, making unprovoked personal attacks, or behaving in an unacceptable or unreasonable manner may result in restriction of your posting or viewing privileges, including but not limited to, the offending member being sent to the Kiddie Korner until he/she can behave, a trip to the coventry, or an instant ban. OTCentral.com will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes acceptable and reasonable manner.
EXACTLY -- This AUP can be used to destroy the good and the bad leaving a cardboard hugbox.I have tried using the search with "AUP" entered but with no luck.
That should be readily available
7.2 is interesting as well. "Sexually explicit" Nope. You'd never find any "sexually explicit" or the "mention of private body parts" threads here.![]()
They're talking more about pictures and/or video featuring private body parts etc...
Would that include Anime? Or photos of a toddler female showing her breast? How about cleavage or a mankini?They're talking more about pictures and/or video featuring private body parts etc...
Seems subjective and head aches could ensue. -- just sayin'. there have been many AUP hairs split in the past.
OTCentral.com will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes acceptable and reasonable manner.
Interesting perspective.what is great is that it is not a democracy here, it's a dictatorship, what they say goes. That will end any splitting hair problems.