BeardofPants said:
*shakes head*
Oh Gato, why must you always resort to patronising and/or insulting when backed into a corner?

Anyway, as YOU appear to be the proponent of the Fox news group, I believe the burden of proof lies with YOU to come up with proof that fox releases 'unbiased' news items. Here's Fox's online maxim : "Offers worldwide news coverage, analysis, show profiles, broadcast schedules,
team biographies, and email news alerts". News coverage gets first priority, now tell me why there's actually so little of it?

WITHOUT insulting my intelligence, if it's at all possible.
Nope. Sorry.
1. If you wish to prove me wrong, then prove me wrong. That's what a debate is all about.
2. Patronizing I may be, but when someone gives an opinion that I feel is wrong, I tell them.
As for insulting your intelligence, I only insult those who will, when shown something that is factual, won't even look at the facts as shown, and instead make excuses as to why they won't look.
Now. To answer your question. FoxNews gives news top priority, and actually interrupts their scheduled programs when new stories come to the surface. The reason that they don't 'schedule' news is because watching the same report 200 times in one day, like CNN and MSNBC, is not going to change what happened. It's only going to give a reporter time to add more and more of his/her personal views to what they see. I'd rather have a quick brief when the incident first occurs, and a followup at the end of the day, if anything changes.
I'll give you an example...
During a hurricane about 6 years ago, Fox, CNN, and MSNBC were here in Charleston, as thick as fleas on a dog. There was a report of a famous landmark being damaged by the storm. The Folly Beach Pier, to be exact. All during the day, the reports of the pier...with the same footage being shown...was appearing on CNN and MSNBC, and all during the day, the damage was being reported as worse than it actually was. At the end of a two hour span, the pier went from slight damage to being destroyed, and washed out to sea. I'll clue you in on what actually happened.
During a period of high wind, and a large wave, a picnic table was washed off of the pier, and out to sea. That's it. The pier wasn't damaged at all. The only news outlet that didn't report the complete loss of the pier? Fox News.