War on Terror

Gonz said:
I'm reasonably certain sh'es giving the finger to Flav
Why would she do that?

I'm pretty certain this kids about to give the finger to Gonz.

Unacceptable image...Gonz

Seeing as we're simply hurling insults and heart-tugging pics at this point, I'd say any intelligent discussion is done. I motion we lock it. Do I have a second?
Speaking of seconds...a second chance? I'd rather this one stick around...more civil...but this one.
Look at the angle taken.

BAGHDAD, Iraq — Up to 15 million Iraqis — including large numbers of Sunnis, who boycotted the January elections — voted in historic parliamentary elections Thursday to establish a permanent democratic government amid only scattered violence.

BAGHDAD, Iraq, Dec. 15 - In a day remarkable for the absence of large-scale violence, millions of Iraqi voters, many of them dressed in their best and traveling with other family members, streamed to the polls today to cast ballots in a nationwide election as Iraqi leaders predicted that the vote would split almost evenly between secular and Islamist parties.

A prime example of left vs right. The left only sees negativity. They can't stand for a war to go as planned & they can't stand to have positive outcomes.
Gonz said:
A prime example of left vs right. The left only sees negativity. They can't stand for a war to go as planned & they can't stand to have positive outcomes.
A prime example of how the right only sees what their told. War going as planned? Ha! It was supposed to only take a few months and cost a 10th of what it has. 2100 servicemen weren't supposed to die and there were going to be WMD's. Yeah exactly as planned That's hysterical.

They had some elections. Less than half of Iraqis think their better off now than before the war. Most Americans think it was a mistake. Bush's approval rating is tanking. 30,000 Iraqis are dead. There's no WMD's. The whitehouse is paying journalists to print positive news. Apparently the right can't stand to see reality.
flavio said:
A prime example of how the right only sees what their told. War going as planned? Ha! It was supposed to only take a few months and cost a 10th of what it has. 2100 servicemen weren't supposed to die and there were going to be WMD's. Yeah exactly as planned That's hysterical.

They had some elections. Less than half of Iraqis think their better off now than before the war. Most Americans think it was a mistake. Bush's approval rating is tanking. 30,000 Iraqis are dead. There's no WMD's. The whitehouse is paying journalists to print positive news. Apparently the right can't stand to see reality.


You've been listening to the liberal media again, haven't you?

Seeing Iraq become a democracy, and knowing that the United States played a major role in their transformation is just a real downer for you, isn't it? :crying4: We have helped to give Iraqis a better way to live and kill lots of bad guys over there instead of over here---yeah, it is exactly as planned.

Republicans attack terrorist nations, Liberals attack democracy.
flavio said:
War going as planned? Ha! It was supposed to only take a few months and cost a 10th of what it has. 2100 servicemen weren't supposed to die and there were going to be WMD's.

WTF are you talking about? Nobody said any of those thing. In fact, the exact opposite was said. 2100 military deaths, while tragic, is a smidgen of what it could be, especially if we listened to the left & hadn't developed better weaponry.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!
The beginning of the end for the left in this country & they haven't stopped being wrong since.
The Other One said:

You've been listening to the liberal media again, haven't you?
No, you've been listening to the conservative media.

Seeing Iraq become a democracy, and knowing that the United States played a major role in their transformation is just a real downer for you, isn't it?
Not all, but seeing the reality is too much of a downer for you.:crying4:

We have helped to give Iraqis a better way to live
Not according to most Iraqis.

yeah, it is exactly as planned.
Really. right on budget with WMD's like they planned?

Republicans attack terrorist nations, Liberals attack democracy.
Republicans increase terrorist activity by invading nations that were no threat and attack democracy.
flavio said:
No, you've been listening to the conservative mdeia.

Not all, but seeing the reality is too much of a downer for you.:crying4:

Not according to most Iraqis.

Really. right on budget with WMD's like they planned?

Republicans increase terrorist activity by invading nations that were no threat and attack democracy.

neener neener neener I know you are but what am I.
flavio said:
No, you've been listening to the conservative media.

Not all, but seeing the reality is too much of a downer for you.:crying4:

Not according to most Iraqis.

Really. right on budget with WMD's like they planned?

Republicans increase terrorist activity by invading nations that were no threat and attack democracy.


"The "W" in Bush's name stood for "wrong - wrong choices, wrong judgment, wrong priorities, wrong direction for our country"

"The wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time"

We have no Exit Strategy!!
We have doomed ourselves!!
Everyday our children are being demolished by the will of the Iraqi people and coming back in body bags!!

Our country is laid wasted in smoking ruins by the Hitler-like George Bush and his cabinet of Israeli loving Neo-Cons with nothing left but to be judged as the Americans who sought out illegal wars to overthrow legitimate leaders of the world like Saddam Hussein.


http://politicalhumor.about.com/b/a/059035.htm (Dean Scream Re-Mix)

Sound about right?

What the chances are of a Democrap being elected President by the people of the United States in '08 looks like:

Is that you Howard Dean?

The Other One said:

"The "W" in Bush's name stood for "wrong - wrong choices, wrong judgment, wrong priorities, wrong direction for our country"

"The wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time"

We have no Exit Strategy!!
We have doomed ourselves!!
Everyday our children are being demolished by the will of the Iraqi people and coming back in body bags!!

Our country is laid wasted in smoking ruins by the Hitler-like George Bush and his cabinet of Israeli loving Neo-Cons with nothing left but to be judged as the Americans who sought out illegal wars to overthrow legitimate leaders of the world like Saddam Hussein.


http://politicalhumor.about.com/b/a/059035.htm (Dean Scream Re-Mix)

Sound about right?

What the chances are of a Democrap being elected President by the people of the United States in '08 looks like:

Why, yes,aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it is
What do the Democrats need in 2008>>>hmm...How about a candidate with convictions, and the willingness to stand up for them...right or wrong? In the past two elections, we had 2 different Democrat fronts with the same problems...their complete lack of electability due to either not being able to communicate (Al Gore) or talking down to his audience (John Kerry). Yes, the elections were close, but the Republican party at least had somebody who stood for something...right or wrong.
Gato_Solo said:
What do the Democrats need in 2008>>>hmm...How about a candidate with convictions, and the willingness to stand up for them...right or wrong? In the past two elections, we had 2 different Democrat fronts with the same problems...their complete lack of electability due to either not being able to communicate (Al Gore) or talking down to his audience (John Kerry). Yes, the elections were close, but the Republican party at least had somebody who stood for something...right or wrong.
Here's an idea. How about anybody, anybody at all, that I could vote for with a clear conscience. I've only ever seen one, and he couldn't win.
Homestate hero Evan Bayh, Indiana Democrat (what the rest of the country calls a "Republican") sure is posturing for a run. I'd vote for him.
chcr said:
Here's an idea. How about anybody, anybody at all, that I could vote for with a clear conscience. I've only ever seen one, and he couldn't win.

I wish you luck, but I also have a caveat...if we had a viable third party, this wouldn't be an issue. The system, as it is, is set up to protect the two-party system (gerrymandering et al), so no true third-party candidate has a real chance. The process is also being killed by apathy. Why bother to vote if your favorite won't win? Get enough people thinking like that, and you have a system that is rife with corruption and pandering. Bottom line is this...if you don't vote fot the candidate you find least offensive, you will wind up with an elected official you find most offensive. :shrug:
And, IMO, you will have given up your right to bitch about it. Can't be bothered to go vote? I can't be bothered ot listen to your lame gripes.

I don't think that's the case with chcr, though. I suspect he just dislikes having to wince and grimace as he punches one chad or the other. Can't say I blame him there.
HomeLAN said:
And, IMO, you will have given up your right to bitch about it. Can't be bothered to go vote? I can't be bothered ot listen to your lame gripes.

I don't think that's the case with chcr, though. I suspect he just dislikes having to wince and grimace as he punches one chad or the other. Can't say I blame him there.

Never meant to imply it. I apologize if it seemed that way...

BTW...the right to bitch is one of those pesky amendments in the bill of rights. Just do what I do when the non-voters bitch. Explain to them why they should've voted. If they come up with a sorry-assed excuse for why they didn't, as most invariably shall, and you can point and laugh.
So now what? The newspaper can't be prosecuted due to the Freedom of the Press...but their sources can be. We've already seen the measures the administration can go to to get a name if they desire, so will we be seeing more 'reporters' in jail for contempt?