I am thinking Comedy shouldn't be analyzed and deconstrcuted to be understood...if you laughed at the joke then you understood all you needed to.
Oz said:
I'm wondering why I just had a very vivid dream all about Janet Jacksons right breast.

Better than having a vivid dream about Michael Jacksons left testicle...

I'm thinking I *really* have to get started on that work I brought home :(
Camelyn said:
Better than having a vivid dream about Michael Jacksons left testicle...

Y'see.......that's just the kinda thing I didn't need on me mind :p

I'm thinking I'm hungry.

*goes to inspect the contents of the refridgerator*
I'm thinking I want to take that ciabatta, and showe it so far down his throat he can rush right to the bathroom to get rid of it through the backdoor.
I'm thinking that Ruby Wax is REALLY annoying. Plus, the "Give us a song" thread tricked me by looking like "Give us a snog". Hmm. :alienhuh:
1. whether or not to beat the shit out of the brainless idiot listening to country next to me.
2. mocking my friend for allowing her computer to screw up.
3. the new beta fishy I get is sooooooo CUTE
That I'm glad we had a meeting in the office today....plenty of things to nibble on.....plenty of weed to work up a proper munchies....
I am thinking......

....content...amidst all the frivoloity content is to be found in solidarity and self reflection......

.....amidst all the avoidance and overlooking others contributions.....

....content is to be found...somewhere, somehow, someday
i think i'll get high and packed the kitchen...because a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, medicine go down, just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down in the most delightful way! :)