I'm thinking the next month or so is going to be tough - and that I really want spaghetti for dinner!
I'm thinkin' that it's 6.50 am and I gotta go lift some weights (cos I been a lazy bastard since thursday)............
I'm thinking the molecular structure of human beings by no means indicates a propensity towards a greater understanding of the world we live in or those who occupy the world with us.
I'm thinking that I should have mentioned this before - I really like AT's AV... *drool*

Also, as a result of bringing her AV up, I'm thinking about sex. :hump:
SexyBoo said:
I'm thinking that I should have mentioned this before - I really like AT's AV... *drool*

Also, as a result of bringing her AV up, I'm thinking about sex. :hump:

Thought I'd use it 'cos I have a number just like it :D
I'm thinking there's nothing more hilarious than listening to japanese people trying to rap! :lol:
Kawaii said:
I'm thinking there's nothing more hilarious than listening to japanese people trying to rap! :lol:

I'm thinking: Very Interesting!

I'm also thinking I can't wait to get off of work in about 20 minutes - woo hoo!!!! *party*
AlphaTroll said:
I'm thinking the molecular structure of human beings by no means indicates a propensity towards a greater understanding of the world we live in or those who occupy the world with us.

Why would it or rather why should it? The molecular structure only forms the tangible vessel....it does not account for intelligence or rather proclivity for one.
Kawaii said:
I'm thinking there's nothing more hilarious than listening to japanese people trying to rap! :lol:

your watching that video of the Japanese family trying to be gangsters arent you
SexyBoo said:
I'm thinking that I should have mentioned this before - I really like AT's AV... *drool*

Also, as a result of bringing her AV up, I'm thinking about sex. :hump:

I was thinking the same thing-NICE AV-but without the drool... :swing:
And ditto to freako's post- Damn Tired....
I am thinking about the damn sex I won't be getting tomorrow because I made other uncancellable plans before I knew I'd get a booty call offer. :mope: