What was the first thing that mad you feel old?

Professur said:
I was 27 when V2.0 hit the dirt. Old enough to have all my shit straight and be past juvenile wants, and young enough to run beside the bicycle. She'll be old enough to run along side her brothers when the time comes.

My momma was 24 when I was born and my dad was 26. Of course I WAS unplanned...my mom didn't want any kids. They had their shit in order too though. Had their own house that they built and my dad owned his truck and had a full time well paying job...my mom also worked til she found out about lil' ol' me. She worked in a bar so not really a good place for a pregnant woman to work...she didn't go back to work til I was 12 (brother was born when I was 5) but neither my brother or I ever went without anything we needed and rarely went without things we wanted...until my dad got sick...but even then we did without things we WANTED but never without things we needed...I want to give my kids the same.
Leslie said:
oh, Paul caught Avery googling "big boob" today.

*feels very old*
How old was he again?

Mine's googled this and that, I sometimes stumble over a few sites he's been to. Nothing too bad though. He knows I can check anytime if I want. :devious:
My girls are restricted without even knowing it. I have put all the kids sites that they like in their favorites so all they have to do is pull down the bar so between those and the games they have installed they are more than occupied....'course they're young yet.
Mine was restricted with "parental control". Then I forgot to activate it after an upgrade and he "had fun" and I found out. So, we had a talk. A long talk. This was 4 years ago. I haven't used parental control since. I offered him my trust, and that worked out fine. He knows how far he can "stretch the limit", and what I do and do not have a problem with.
Starya said:
How old was he again?

Mine's googled this and that, I sometimes stumble over a few sites he's been to. Nothing too bad though. He knows I can check anytime if I want. :devious:
He's turning 8
next Tuesday.

We had forgotten to password the screensaver, that is done now lol
One night in December I was at work, and my friend said 'Hey, I'm going to grab lunch (any break is considered 'lunch', even at 7PM) at Wendy's where my girlfriend works, she can get us great discounts'
So I walk over to Wendy's with him, get a whole meal for like fifty cents, then he's like 'Hey, I need to stop at Shoprite and buy some cigarettes'
So we went to the cigarette counter, and bought two packs. The lady didn't card him and he's like 'Hey, you didn't card me.'
Then the lady said 'Well, I figured that you looked 21, and that you [gesturing towards me] looked 22, so I don't need to card you'
I was all of 16 at the time...
Silly lady. She should card people looking 21, as many look a few years older than they are.

And hey. When you're 24 you'll look 30. :)
Around here they're suppose to card anyone who looks under 25...legal age is 19.
Starya said:
Silly lady. She should card people looking 21, as many look a few years older than they are.

And hey. When you're 24 you'll look 30. :)

Family has a good track record for grey hair/baldness.
hair getting grayer, not being able to do things I used to be able to, annnnd
Things that used to be playing like football, are now too much like work. :crying4:
Getting more paranoid, and fearful of the world around me....
*goes now to whimper in the corner, in the fetal position, and cry*
the moment I felt truly old was in Kansas with ekahs retsam at the liquor store, and he and another guy complained I didn't get carded, and they always did.

or one day walking home from work in montreal a cute girl smiled at me, I smiled back, and she goes "hi sir"

watching the best of "insert year here" and realizing I wore, watched, listened to that stuff.

oh yeah, grey nose hair.
When people say "Did you hear that new song by *insert remaker here?"
And you are aghast that they don't remember the original.
I think Killing me softly was the first time I remember it happening.
The thing that makes me feel the oldest usually is when I'm teaching dance class and the kids are arguing about who's the oldest (5-6 age group) and then they turn to me and ask how old I am. One kid went as far as saying "miss, you're old". I wanted to hide and cry.