What was the first thing that mad you feel old?

MrBishop said:
I actually noticed and peered closer at the wrinkles developing on my face in the mirror the other day. I usually just look to make sure that I don't have anything in my teeth and move on...but I actually looked long and hard at the face on the other side and said "Shit...I'm starting to look...gasp...old!"
Coupla beers will take good care of that ;)
tonksy said:
Coupla beers will take good care of that ;)
Yeah..but in addition to not noticing the wrinkles, I will also not notice the beer-guy. :)

/me looks into Botulism.
I guess the first time I truly felt my age was the year a young man was elected to school board where I taught --- he had been in my very first 7th grade class years before.

Knew it was time to consider retirement --- when one of your 7th graders is grown up and signing your paycheck, you've hung around long enough.
what makes me feel old?

there have been times at work when i've had a teen as a patient and i realize i am old enough to be their father.
Spot said:
what makes me feel old?

there have been times at work when i've had a teen as a patient and i realize i am old enough to be their father.
chcr said:
:rolleyes: [crochety old man]My son will be thirty in July.[/crochety old man]
That's this coming July.