Who is 'Us' ?

chcr said:
Stop trying to apply science to religion. You'll just confuse the faithful. :lloyd:

Actually, it depends on whose math you believe. 6000 is more or less the lower limit for young earth creationists with 12-14,000 being the upper limit that I've read about. I usually use 10,000 as a nice round (and completely unsupportable) figure. The part I don't get, and maybe it's just me, is that if they are correct then god has deceived everyone else by putting all this scientific evidence around that the earth must be billions of years old. Even if I believed in god, I'd find it a little difficult to worship a such a liar. :shrug:

Actually, it depends upon the person trying to actually discount any theory of creation.

1. How long were Adamand Eve in the garden of Eden before their initial foray into disobedience?

2. After the 'fall', how long before their first-born child?

You can't have any accuracy without accounting for the first question, and even if you measure from the second, you've already added in false data because you missed the first. :shrug: As for the rest of your statement...your continual attempts at humor for things you either disbelieve, or don't understand, are getting tiresome. ;)
Gato_Solo said:
Actually, it depends upon the person trying to actually discount any theory of creation.

1. How long were Adamand Eve in the garden of Eden before their initial foray into disobedience?

2. After the 'fall', how long before their first-born child?

You can't have any accuracy without accounting for the first question, and even if you measure from the second, you've already added in false data because you missed the first. :shrug: As for the rest of your statement...your continual attempts at humor for things you either disbelieve, or don't understand, are getting tiresome. ;)
1. The post and the humor were in no way directed at you or at your beliefs.
2.Your inability to practice what you preach is what is becoming tiresome.
You make a choice in your life and, as long as it doesn't adversely affect me, I have to respect that choice. I do not, however, have to like your choice, nor do I have to sit and listen to you because of your choice. That's where most rights advocates get lost. It isn't my duty to like your lifestyle choice, even if it does not interfere in mine.

In other words, If what I post offends you, that's what the ignore feature is actually for, isn't it. I give up.
chcr said:
That's actually implicit in the Hebrew bible but Yaweh is the "one true god" (the one that spoke to Abraham). A question though, freako. If there ever were more than one, by definition doesn't there still have to be?

The Bible speaks of many false (fake) gods. But it does say (as you said) there is only one true God. Therefore, it is a contradiction when you say the Bible implies there is more than one (real) god...
Lopan said:
I thought, by their reckoning that the earth was only 6000 years old? If Jesus was around feeding the 5000, 1970 years ago then that only leaves 4000 plus change years for the human population to spread all over the world and to get to the billion + figure. Is this possible when starting out with only 2 couples?

Also the mix of male and females born in the early stages would have to be 50 - 50, in fact it would have to be more females than males. The early mix showed 2-1 on the male side.

Nobody could have preamturely died or been infertile. They would also have to wait a minimum of 12 years for the girls to get to child bearing age. With only 1 child being born a year, it seems improbable to say the least.

I found something that might interest you...

The Human population can be extrapolated backwards to see how long it would have taken to achieve present-day numbers. Using conservative growth figures of one-half percent per year, Earth's population would have been eight people about 5,000 years ago, comparing very well with the number of people on Noah's Ark. Based on evolution's claim for the origin of man, the same ½ percent growth calculation for the human race results in a huge present day population that can not be justified by the fossil record or current statistics.

I'm not sure how accurate the above information is but I think it is related to your inquiry...
Gonz said:
If I can get a straight answer on who Adam & Eve's sons mated with, especially on how the mates came to be, when it was only 1 couple & two sons...then the rest of it might make sense.

I shall say it again..."After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters." [Genesis 5:4]

Now there are many couples...
chcr said:
Stop trying to apply science to religion. You'll just confuse the faithful. :lloyd:

The part I don't get, and maybe it's just me, is that if they are correct then god has deceived everyone else by putting all this scientific evidence around that the earth must be billions of years old. Even if I believed in god, I'd find it a little difficult to worship a such a liar. :shrug:

You are assuming that the information is sound and correct. It was not God who gave people "evidence" of an old earth but Man...
Gotholic said:
I found something that might interest you...

I'm not sure how accurate the above information is but I think it is related to your inquiry...

Your going to have to source that.

So.......8 people 5000 years ago.

Settled Agricultural Societies:10,000 to 3,500
5,000 BC: Catal Huyuk

Thats more than 8 people in them there houses

Catal Huyuk


c - Agriculture begins in Mexico.
c - The original inhabitants of Jerusalem ?+¢ are driven out by the Canaanites.
c - Mesopotamia ?+ Eridu's ?+ earliest settlement. Abandoned in c.600.
c - China ?+ Evidence of rice cultivation and basketry.
c - China Yangshao u.c.2700 culture.

Also while we are on the subject
3000 BC:...Animism... Spiritism... Witchcraft... Divination... Ancestors...Yang- Yin... Hindus
1600 BC: Egypt (1600-1200)
1500: MOSES (Bible)-Hindu VEDAS.
1000: David, Solomon-Assyria (Ninive).
700: Isaiah... Upanishads (Hindus).
660: SHINTO (Japan).
628: Zoroaster... Chaldea (Babylonia).
604: Daniel... TAOISM (Lao Zi).
599: Jainism.
551: CONFUCIANISM (Kongzi).
528: BUDDHISM- Persia (536-330).
270: Emp. Asoka of India, converts to Buddhism.
330: Greece (330-146).
200: Ramayana... Mahabaratha-Gita.
146: Maccabees (174-134)- Syria, Damascus Rome (146 BC- 476 AC).

seems to be a 2000 year gap, thats a hell of a long time for Oral societies ( Sumerianns 3500 bc) to recount the story of Adam and Eve without it turning into chinese whispers
Gotholic said:
The Bible speaks of many false (fake) gods. But it does say (as you said) there is only one true God. Therefore, it is a contradiction when you say the Bible implies there is more than one (real) god...

umm... put no other gods before me...
That's a clear implication.
chcr said:
umm... put no other gods before me...
That's a clear implication.

but Chic thats one of the 10 commandments. Does the Bible have much outside the us acknowledging other deities?
freako104 said:
but Chic thats one of the 10 commandments. Does the Bible have much outside the us acknowledging other deities?

I don't understand the question, freako. Gotholic said there weren't implications of other gods in the bible, I say that's one obvious one.

outside the us

I don't know what you mean. The United States? What would that have to do with anything? :confused:
Lopan said:
Didn't realise Christians were such a bunch of incestuos mutants. I'm glad my ancestors climbed down from the trees and then evolved.

Trust me...so am I.

Name calling is very petty.
Lopan said:
Your going to have to source that.

So.......8 people 5000 years ago.

Thats more than 8 people in them there houses

Catal Huyuk


Also while we are on the subject

seems to be a 2000 year gap, thats a hell of a long time for Oral societies ( Sumerianns 3500 bc) to recount the story of Adam and Eve without it turning into chinese whispers

I think you have a misunderstanding. All the information you just given was not needed.

The quote doesn't declare that there weren't more than 8 people 5,000 years ago at all. But at a certain point there were only 8 people 5,000 years ago. It is saying that the present day human population can be extrapolated backwards to acheive roughly the present day human population. Sure, maybe 5,000 years ago there were only 8 people but 40 days before that the earth was very much populated.

As for the source of my quote, the actual site did not give it's own source, which is why I was a bit reluctant to give it. However, I found more related information with a source that should answer your original inquiry:

"Moreover, population studies have shown that the Earth could easily have been populated by at least one billion people in the 1,700 years or so from Adam to Noah." [John Whitcomb and Henry Morris, The Genesis Flood, Presbyterian and Reformed, Phillipsburg, New Jersey, 1961, pp. 2527. At the time of the Flood there could have been more than three billion people around the globe, assuming a population growth of only 1.3% per year. The current average is 1.8 per cent. Population studies are a big problem for old-Earth advocates. There are simply not enough catastrophes in history to keep man's population growth low enough to allow for 100,000 years or more.]

So it looks like it is possible starting out with just 2 couples...
chcr said:
umm... put no other gods before me...
That's a clear implication.

I can create my own god and worship it. But that doesn't mean there is more than one God. The Bible teaches that all other gods are false and so no one should worship them.

"Do not tremble and do not be afraid; Have I not long since announced it to you and declared it? And you are My witnesses. Is there any God besides Me, Or is there any other Rock? I know of none." [Isaiah 44:8]

This is why the commandment forbids people to put other "gods" before the true one: There are no other "gods" but only false ones...
Leslie said:
It was not god who gave people "evidence" of himself but Man.

God did give evidence of Himself by what He has created, which is why I was referring that God did not give "evidence" that the earth is old but Man.

I stand corrected...
chcr said:
I don't understand the question, freako. Gotholic said there weren't implications of other gods in the bible, I say that's one obvious one.

I don't know what you mean. The United States? What would that have to do with anything? :confused:

that does make it seem obvious, your quote. I am not familiar with the Bible by any means so I was not sure whether it acknowledged other deities outside the one part in Genesis.
freako104 said:
that does make it seem obvious, your quote. I am not familiar with the Bible by any means so I was not sure whether it acknowledged other deities outside the one part in Genesis.
Like the rest of the bible, I find it subject to interpretation (honestly, I find it completely unbelievable). Gotholic (and diverse others ;) ) clearly do not share this view. I'm not trying to convince anyone, simply clarifying my position.

I thought I got from your previous quote that you thought the ten commandments were an American thing, and I knew that I'd misunderstood something.
I too find it for interpertation and in truth I always thought it based on myths and legends. I think you are the one besides Dr.Lane who mentioned the Epic of Gilgamesh as being one of many basis for the Bible. My comment about the 10 commandments was more of you using it rather than the Bible. Sorry about the misunderstanding