US Dating scene...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Since I'm an older man, I do things the old-fashioned way. I hit her on the head with my club, and drag her off to my cave. :D


Well-Known Member
* pictures Gato clubbing his woman and dragging her to cave with big grin in his face *
* dies of laughing *


Staff member
AlladinSane said:
Ardsgaine said:
The special one isn't your first, she's your last.
Excuse me, I've got some dust in my eye... :crying3:

I'm getting a bit teared up myself here.

That is SO true and also very touching Ards :hug:


New Member
Ardsgaine said:
Nixy said:
Well, from experience I can say that just because someone isn't your FIRST doesn't mean that stuff you do with them in any less special. In fact, it CAN be more special.

The special one isn't your first, she's your last.

:heartred: :hug: :clap: :hump: :kiss: :licklips: :love3: :banana2: :trippin: :elaugh1: :worship:


New Member
Jerrek said:
Well, good for you... However, doing something like that with lots of girls, in my opinion, makes that "special" thing go away. You may say it is still special, but it will not be as special as it could have been with only one girl for life. Lots of my friends sleep around, lots don't. I just so happen to be among those that don't, and I tend to prefer girls that aren't easy to get to.

how can you know if it makes it more or less special?

imagine the situation, for instance the one i'm in now... i'm single, and have in the past had sexual relations with at least one person. does that mean that it's now impossible for me to have something "special" with someone because they're not my first?

i mean... please...

i think it takes a while before you know what you want. like ice cream, if all you've ever tasted is vanilla you'll probably be perfectly happy with it... but try chocolate and you'd be even happier. of course it might be that the first flavour you tried was the best one... but then again...

personally, after having tried a few flavours i now know i like a bit of the mint, some chocolate chips and perhaps a small amount of pistachio... when i find *that* girl i'll be well happy...


New Member
nambit said:
how can you know if it makes it more or less special?

He's talking out his ass. How the fuck would he know what's possible in that department? :eh:

Jerrek, before you say anything, yes, I know you're stating your personal preference. You're using language that conveys a moral judgment, though. If you want to make the claim that it's morally wrong, then go ahead. Give us an argument for it. If you're just stating a personal preference then do us the favor of acknowledging that, having never had sex, you really don't have a clue how many times someone would have to "sleep around" before it stopped being special, or before he became too jaded to love anymore.

Related question: How many times do you have to kiss a guy on the mouth before it loses its 'specialness'?


Yep you could say I have moral issues with it. My conscience will kill me for one thing.... I just don't fuck around for fun.

Related question: If you could lose your virginity again, would it be a different person (this does not necessarily mean you wouldn't want sex with that person at some point, all I'm asking is if you would prefer to have lost it to a different person)? Be honest :)


Well-Known Member
Hey I just spent 7 hours at my friends house (and my friend is a girl) but it's not a date MUHAHAHAHAHA


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
I wouldn't want to lose it to someone different than the person I lost it to. It was a very special moment (almost literal there) with a very special girl. Just becuase she's not a part of my life now doesn't make it less special.


If you could preserve that special moment just like it is, except for the fact that you wouldn't be a virgin, and then lose your virginity to your current wife, would you? Don't answer if you don't want to... I'm just wondering :)


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
No, it wouldn't be the same if I didn't lose my virginity. I think I kinda answered that. Is it that hard to believe that I don't have regrets about it?


No, not really. You and I are just different in that respect. I desire to loose my virginity to one girl. My first, and my last. :)


Staff member
hmmmm, even though I have not slept with the guy I am seeing. When I do would I prefer if I was loosing my virginity to him rather than having already lost it....NO

I have no regrets about my past sexual endevours. I am happy with what I have done in the past. It has made me who I am today and without it I might not be with the guy I am with now (well, almost deifnately, I met him through my ex). :)

Everything happens for a reason.


New Member
Hell, I wish that I had fallen in love with Jan in Kindergarten and loved her ever since... that's not the way it worked out, though.

I'll even go you one better. I can think of half a dozen girls from my past that I would rather have lost my virginity to than the one who got it.

I was an idiot though. I had these twisted notions about saving myself for just the 'right' girl, and I kept passing up perfectly nice girls who really liked me because I wasn't positively absolutely that they were the ones I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

And then one night the last girl in the world I would've ever wanted to marry tripped me and beat me to the floor. Imperfect as she was, she will always occupy a special place in my memory, because she got that damned 'first time' jinx off my back. After that I didn't have to worry about whether the girl would be someone I could spend the rest of my life with... that's an impossible thing to know anyway.

Keep waiting for that bolt of lightning that's going to tell you you've met the perfect girl, Jerrek, and hold on tightly to your virginity. Maybe when you're fifty and you've been divorced a couple of times we can ask you whether it was worth it. :eh:


New Member
You really don't fucking read what I write do you?? You just twist it to say something that you can argue with.

What I'm saying is that you're a fool if you think you can KNOW that ANY girl is going to be the girl that you can spend the rest of your life with. You can probably know which ones are definitely NOT the one, but the maybes are a lot harder to sort through. While you're waiting for omniscience you're passing up potential RELATIONSHIPS that could actually lead to something very good. And even if they don't last you your entire life, they can still be special.

Please read that carefully at least six times before you respond.