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  1. S

    My Private Folder

    Did anyone here download this before Microsoft decided to snatch it back? If so, I was wondering if anyone has experienced their computer slowing down after making use of it. I'm considering getting hold of it, but my computer is pretty slow as it is, and I've read one reference to it...
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    Need help finding X-Men title

    Once upon a time I was window shopping at Amazon, and I came across a X-Men book where the story was set to the 18th century, and our talented friends were percieved to be witches. "I need to buy this" I though, but decided to wait until I could afford it. I can afford it now. I can't...
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    Video editing software

    Yo. Any of you folks know about some good editing software? I have Vegas 4.0 now, but people in my household are in the need of something that has more "advanced" effects, such as combining images from different videos. [examples of what I'm talking of can be seen here] So. Any clues?
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    Music gives your life away

    I nicked this on another forum, and thought it was a bit fun. Go on. Do it. :D ---- Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. change songs after every question. NO...
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    Right. Help me out here. What does Apo and FPO (adress) mean? Amazon ain't helping much..
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    That's it!

    Time to go on a diet. My brother just contacted me on msn and wanted me to.. ..put on the mask and be Santa this year. :crying4: Over here gifts are handed out early in the evening on the 24th, and if yer lucky, Santa will make an appearance then..
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    So, I was just watching the telly..

    ..and then E.R. came on. No, not the show with the hottie doctors, It was on Discovery, m'kay? Well, I just started wondering out of curiosity, on this show we see all kinds of people who have suffered all kinds of injuries be it their own fault (alcohol etc), assault or accidental. Do all...
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    Flickering screen after feeding time

    A couple of years over due, I finally got around to treating my computer to a wee bit more RAM. But, now the computer screen flickers every now and then. It sort of goes black for a split second, and it seems like the picture kinda.. uhm.. ya know, disappears toward the middle of the screen and...
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    Looking for new undies?

    Why not give these a go? :D
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    No, I don't wanna know what y'all thought of it. :P So, I have this almost 12 year old who really wants to see Constantine. He figures it's just his kinda movie (from clips he's seen). I have it on dvd. Everytime his eyes falls on the cover, he gets such sad eyes, and makes some sort of...
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    One week down..

    One to go. So, here I am. In England. And there is this one thing that has been bugging me ever since i got here. The question arose already at Heathrow, and has become the thing I find most difficult to understand about this country. What the hell is up with those bloody separated taps...
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    Nervous wreck

    I hate talking on the phone. Really hate it. Thing is, my mind doesn't work as fast as it ought to, when it comes to processing spoken words, often leaving me with a blank expression on my face before I eventually catch up with an oral statement, and can give an appropriate answer. Also, my...