Bitch about work thread.

I'll be seeing 18 at a party. I figure that it's a decent neutral location. I'll tell her that I like her, I just don't want to do the whole 'dating' thing, I just want to hang out. It will be only a week after I agreed to go out with her, and before an actual date, so hopefully it won't be too difficult.

Then I'll be back to where I was Friday. Still not the best situation, but better than it is now.
Altron: Get them into a threesome, everybody wins.. :beerbang:

Time to go off the topic once again and bitch about work :D

I have to persistently email my bosses, who are in California while I'm in Indiana, in order to get any direction, and when I have very little to report I get yelled at. I had to fluff up my monthly report this month to make it look like I actually did anything, and then they told me after the fact to send it last week. Well, if they wouldn't have me waiting on them or one of their other interns all the time, I might have actually accomplished real work this month and had something to report last week. Let me break it down for you:

This time last month, I agreed on three separate instances with two of my bosses that such and such software or file was what I needed to continue doing work in each of the three projects I have going on at the moment. One of these files is currently under control by someone who isn't actually an employee that has obligations to get it done and give it to me. One of these pieces of software had changed hands three times starting from this time last month before it finally got to me a few days ago (a few days after the monthly report was due). At the time of the report supposedly being due, I hadn't heard anything about that disk, so I couldn't tell whether it was on the way or not. And finally, the last (and possibly most important) of these pieces of software is in the hands of someone who won't give it to me unless it's in person, and our schedules of appearing in the office are completely opposite.

Literally the entire last month has been spent waiting on these people to give me what I need to do what my bosses are asking of me. So far I have one of the three items that I need for those projects. So, I was in fact able to report something on my monthly report to them. I installed some software!

However, my third boss has been gone all month and just today discussed with me what another one of her projects is about, and asked me to update 4 PDAs and an old P4 laptop with new software in preparation for it. So far I have 3 of them, and the laptop. Now I'm waiting on the fourth PDA.

How the hell do I report that all I did this month was wait, and discuss, and still make it look good? My bosses are all results-oriented, and waiting & discussing isn't much of a result to them.

Well, to be honest, I did get some login stuff working on one application, but that was the result of about 2 days' worth of work, not 30. All's I need is these last two pieces of software and I can start turning over a few dozen of these 2-days'-worth-of-work accomplishments each month.
or do a time and motion study into the benefits of outsourcing the report writing process to aspiring screenwriters in Hollywood?

... "your report sir ..with burger and fries to go ... would you like any ketchup or credits on that?"
I got so tired of political threads that I needed to revive the bitching blog-esque monstrosity.

The way things are going, we're probably fucked no matter what, so why not enjoy it while it lasts?

I've got plenty of time to be a cranky old guy, involved in politics. I don't have nearly as much time to be a horny young guy listening to Air Supply.
Y'know, she's gonna be waiting for him to head for second base, and he's gonna be watching the movie.
is this 18 or 23?

er'e btw Altron ..unless you are like some super stud ..can't you make up some names .. i dunno - like "hoptlips" and "miss bounce" or something?

or if you prefer more sensitive ... howabout "lady X" and "miss XYZ" :D

numbering your hoped-for conquests is a bit .... well, crass - esp as you ain't climbed them dere mountains, gone the whole nine yards ... etc etc etc ...

BTW - Let me know if the movie is any good! :grinyes:
oh i don't know ..make it a double bill ..enjoy borat, have a laugh ..get points fer not hittin on her ...

then the second back to back film ... jump right on in ..and score points for not boring her!

probably not Prof ... :shrug:

Christmasses come and go ... i'll see it oftentimes enough no doubt! ;)

Odd choice tho' Craig ...wonder if he'll work? (hope so - but am dubious)
Well, shit. I've been coming in early to hang out with her, and management didn't take it too kindly, apparantly I was distracting her too much from working.

I was being kind of an idiot. I had a pretty open conversation with my boss about it. He knows where I'm coming from and said that I need to work on finding a difference between work and fun.

At first, I was really sad, because I'm like friends with everyone at ccity, and my boss said that I couldn't come in and hang out because it distracted people, and several complained.

Then I was thinking that she wanted me to fuck off but didn't want to be upfront about it.

Then I had a chat with my boss, and he said that she likes me, but she needed to do work or one of the other managers would give her shit, but she didn't want to tell me not to come in anymore because she didn't want me to think that she doesn't like hanging out with me.

I took it really hard at first, but I realized that if she didn't like me, she wouldn't have gone to Pennsy with me on tuesday.

Now, this could probably be taken the wrong way, and some of you probably will take it like that, but I don't really consider it a problem. My boss also told me how that if I come in once in awhile, it's exciting, but if I do it every day, it gets old.

So, I'm cool with it. I'm going to give it a few days, tho. I'll let things calm down, then call on Monday and suggest seeing a movie on Tuesday or some other day, depending on my work schedule.
I'm just going to ask my boss to make sure she knows that I'm cool with if, if she asks him.