Well, Bush couldn't really wait too much longer. Elections are right around the corner, and a war can't be won so quickly as they would have us believe. The economy isn't too hot, so how's he supposed to get reelected if he waits another year for the UN to make a decision. That would mean turning over powe to the Democrats almost certainly. He couldn't have that. he wants a second term after all. All presidents do! Nah, we could have waited, this was politically motivated. He doesn't have much to run a reelection campaign on without doing something. All studies point to the fact that the incument is fighting an uphill battle in a reelection campaign when the economy is shit. You think he doesn't realize this? The economy isn't comming around either, so he needs something to justify 4 more years. We could have waited for more evidence, Bush however, could not! Times running out for him. He needed to do something quickly before people start turning against him because of the economy. I know, I know, its not his fault, and I agree 100% with that argument, but voters will not. He will however be responsible for the disaster that follows in the coming decades if he passes his short-sighted reelect me the economy is fine for now stimulus package!
It all comes down to politics as usual. Its nothing to do with WMDs or liberating the suffering people. Its about reelection, it always is, so why do we keep pretending. If it was Clinton instead of Bush, you guys would agree with that statement, I'm sure!