New Member
Its an innoculation along the same scale as an antibiotic. You have to overthrow prolonged medium heavy terror with a brief instance of extreme terror in order to lay out the template for no terror.
unclehobart said:Its an innoculation along the same scale as an antibiotic. You have to overthrow prolonged medium heavy terror with a brief instance of extreme terror in order to lay out the template for no terror.
Squiggy said:Gonz made the statement and flav didn't twist those words.
RD_151 said:I'm curious what brief is gonna mean in this case!
Squig, I've reread this thread, my statement, and this statement of yours a few times now, and haven't settled on an interpretation. I keep reading it different ways, and I'm not sure what you were implying. Before I reply, could you clarify what exactly you meant?Squiggy said:oli, ask the parents of the dead Americans that question...
outside looking in said:What would "not" have been premature? Another dozen years?
outside looking in said:And about SCUD's reaching the US...
Do you have direct access to all military intelligence regarding Saddam's violations of UN resolutions? No? Then how do you know there was no decent case against him?flavio said:How about building a decent case first.[/b]
Um... no? They certainly can't reach our shores anyway. They do present a threat to neighboring countries though, as we have witnessed in the past, and they serve as vehicles to distribute chemical and biological agents.In your opinion these "SCUDS" present a threat to the US?
fury said:He wasn't referring to that. Quote the full sentence.flavio said:...and there you go with the Iraq = Al Queada crap...weak.Note the bolded part. Doesn't look like he's making any references to either Iraq or Al Qaeuauueuaeuauda.Gonz said:Do you need to have another building full of innocent working class civilians blown to the ground before it becomes apparent that we don't live in that world anymore?
Gonz said:We pulled the inspectors because they were failing to live up to thier jobs.
flavio said:Then fix the inspection process.
They do present a threat to neighboring countries though, as we have witnessed in the past, and they serve as vehicles to distribute chemical and biological agents.
No, but Israel is. And they are our most loyal ally apart from Britain. Friends don't leave friends when times get hard.RD_151 said:yes, but are we a neighboring country?