
Its an innoculation along the same scale as an antibiotic. You have to overthrow prolonged medium heavy terror with a brief instance of extreme terror in order to lay out the template for no terror.
The point is, at least discuss it fairly with him. Gonz made the statement and flav didn't twist those words.
unclehobart said:
Its an innoculation along the same scale as an antibiotic. You have to overthrow prolonged medium heavy terror with a brief instance of extreme terror in order to lay out the template for no terror.

I'm curious what brief is gonna mean in this case! It may not be so brief as we expect! What then?
Considering that the region has been utterly screwed up since the days that Alexander the Great rolled through town, brief is a matter of months in my eyes. Defeating the army will not take long. The trial lies in trying to deprogram a brainwashed populace that has known nothing but hardscrabble survival, xenophobia to anything outside of their own villages, and no other way of life other than waging war on friend and enemies alike. Its very hard to convince a multi generational entrenched mindset to let go of preconceptions and vendettas. Its almost not worth it to try and talking to anyone over the age of 21 as their minds are fairly set. You have to work with the young.
Good point. That could be a problem for a few generations. I guess those 21 year olds are gonna have fun when we put em in power ;)
Good point, unc. I was pondering things along those lines myself. When entire generations have grown up knowing no other way, it has to be difficult to change the mindsets...
It just can't be done with western whitey hands at the throttle. That would just be seen as a continuation of of the Brit occupation around WW1 and cause them to doubt and reject everything told to them. The power structure needs to be handed back to Iraqi citizens asap, and with no strings attached. No troops, no industrial sweetheart deals... just roll up to the docks with food and FUBU sweatshirts every once in a while.
Squiggy said:
Gonz made the statement and flav didn't twist those words.


RD_151 said:
I'm curious what brief is gonna mean in this case!

Relative question. It took 4 years to end WWII. It took 4 months in '91. Then you bring up unc's statement...
Squiggy said:
oli, ask the parents of the dead Americans that question...
Squig, I've reread this thread, my statement, and this statement of yours a few times now, and haven't settled on an interpretation. I keep reading it different ways, and I'm not sure what you were implying. Before I reply, could you clarify what exactly you meant?
The point of my entire post was that you're all ganging up on him and then expecting him to maintain balance. Specifically, I thought your question could use another point of approach. The answer isn't readily available to anyone. Its one of those 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' questions. It all depends on what direction you approach it from. Regardless of his answer, an argument could made of it. i.e. Catch 22
outside looking in said:
What would "not" have been premature? Another dozen years?

How about building a decent case first.

outside looking in said:
And about SCUD's reaching the US...

In your opinion these "SCUDS" present a threat to the US?
A 21 page .pdf file from the White House. It's the case you so badly need. It does not include all UN violations.

flavio said:
How about building a decent case first.[/b]
Do you have direct access to all military intelligence regarding Saddam's violations of UN resolutions? No? Then how do you know there was no decent case against him?

In your opinion these "SCUDS" present a threat to the US?
Um... no? They certainly can't reach our shores anyway. They do present a threat to neighboring countries though, as we have witnessed in the past, and they serve as vehicles to distribute chemical and biological agents.
fury said:
flavio said:
...and there you go with the Iraq = Al Queada crap...weak.
He wasn't referring to that. Quote the full sentence.
Gonz said:
Do you need to have another building full of innocent working class civilians blown to the ground before it becomes apparent that we don't live in that world anymore?
Note the bolded part. Doesn't look like he's making any references to either Iraq or Al Qaeuauueuaeuauda.

It was yet another attempt to use bin Laden's 9/11 as an excuse to invade Iraq.
Gonz said:
We pulled the inspectors because they were failing to live up to thier jobs.

Then fix the inspection process. It doesn't seem like a good enough reason to spend 75 billion dollars (for starters!!) and kill thousands to me.
They do present a threat to neighboring countries though, as we have witnessed in the past, and they serve as vehicles to distribute chemical and biological agents.

yes, but are we a neighboring country? Do they threaten us directly? No, but we threaten them directly, we will soon be threatening Iran and North Korea directly (acutally, you might be able to say we have threatened them already). So does that give them the right to make a preemptive strike on us? Does it? Ok, they may not be able to gather an army sufficent to threaten us, but they could use 'terrorism.' I don't think any of us would want this would we? Yet, we threaten them, and we will continue to threaten others. Should they have a right to attack us first because we 'threaten them.' I hope nobody thinks they do, because if so, you just made a case for terrorism! But isn't our war a preemptive one? Aren't we attacking based on a threat? What about Iran, and North Korea? You will make any number of cases against Iraq with UN resolutions, but what about the rest of the 'axis of evil.' Are we justified to attack them first because of a threat?

None this is so clear cut as people are trying to make it. But anyway...
RD_151 said:
yes, but are we a neighboring country?
No, but Israel is. And they are our most loyal ally apart from Britain. Friends don't leave friends when times get hard.
Just about everyone hates Israel and would like to see it disappear. Maybe we should just declare war on the rest of the middle east as well. On second thought, I guess we're not done yet, that might very well happen :(