How guarded are you on the net?

HomeLAN said:
But not good enough to fly yer butt back over here for seconds, eh? *pout*


you know, I was seriously thinking about it ... until I took my daughter to the orthodontist today ... I feel an "Orthodontist Trauma" thread coming on ...
Y'know, I could come over there and lump it in a hammock for two weeks or so ... but nooooooo ... it would seem that invitations are scarce for pale German men with long hair and attitude problems.
To be honest the next time i move if i do i'll keep the address to myself and my number etc.. this internet can really get to you sometimes.
unclehobart said:
The trouble is basic human nature. You track down and isolate like 5-6 favorite stations and get hung up on them and rarely venture far afield.

What! No BBC World Service... Humph... I shall take my money elsewhere.... :p
Justintime said:
To be honest the next time i move if i do i'll keep the address to myself and my number etc.. this internet can really get to you sometimes.

Got a stalker problem? :eek:
I'm guarded on the net by large men in white coats :nuts:

In fact if anyone wanted to stalk me it would probably brighten up my life a bit, so I'm not that guarded. I don't slash my personal details all over the place but I wouldn't be too reserved about communicating them to anyone online. I mean, what are they going to do? :shrug:
unclehobart said:
Y'know, I could come over there and lump it in a hammock for two weeks or so ... but nooooooo ... it would seem that invitations are scarce for pale German men with long hair and attitude problems.

I told you you could come here, but I'd have no time to spend with you ... :p
Plus, that would defeat the whole purpose of having Steve grill up dinner, wouldn't it? :D
*proceeds to lay at the back door like and old hound making dinnerplate sized pathetic eyes and semi chuffing/semi whining noises.
Justintime said:
To be honest the next time i move if i do i'll keep the address to myself and my number etc.. this internet can really get to you sometimes.
i want a whole new identity, that'd be cool
tommyj27 said:
Justintime said:
To be honest the next time i move if i do i'll keep the address to myself and my number etc.. this internet can really get to you sometimes.
i want a whole new identity, that'd be cool

DNS registration can be a bitch.
I've given out my address and phone number on one message board up in the moderator area (where I knew who all could see the forum and who all couldn't). I've given out my address to [[thinks]] Rose has it I know...I think about 3 specific people. And I've given my phone number repeatedly to 1 person, and to 2 other people (in hopes for their numbers to call them). I'm more loose with my phone number as i'd rather have a phone stalker than an address stalker. So long as you aren't going to call me like daily or hourly or something stupid like that, or during my night, I don't have a problem with you having my phone number.

Edit : What about those we've stalked? Hehehe, I've got Rose's work phone number (actually I lost it but shhhhhhh!!!!!!!)