How's your garden doing?

oh I'm not knocking.
I'm greatful for that haul.
Mom has canned quite a bit already.:cool:
I canned some 2 years ago but I've been keen on freezing them in bags or slicing them for the dehydrator. I gave out bags of the dried tomatoes last year to my mom-in-law and sis-in-law. They loved them.
I've had one good crop in the last 5 years. Plenty of flowers, plenty of bee's. The neighbor had plenty. Ph level?
I don't know what my soil pH level is. I didn't think that would make much of a difference if other things are growing just fine. What is the required pH level for cucumbers?
Something has been munching on my white onions at night. It's pulling them up and eating the bulb just below where the stem begins. Not touching the green onions next to it, nor the carrots. Pulled nearly every one up so far. Grr. Time to reposition the fence.
I'm curious as to what would want to eat your white onions. Obviously something with bad breath! :p :lol:

If you find out, post it here!
I debated setting up an IR camera and a dvr for one night and keeping the dog in. ;)
If you do, you better share with us whatever the fuck it is that's eating those onions. I'm dying with anticipation. I didn't think anything would choose onions over carrots. :p
Dunno. Threw it out as a guess.
Damn. I guess I'll have to do some deep research on it then. :D
I spent yesterday morning (actually until 1:30 PM) weeding the garden and laying down new compost and mulch. I only got to the asparagus and pepper beds. I always forget that I use muscles I don't normally use when I weed and now the back of my thighs hurt as well as my butt muscles. It's like I squatted down over the weeds and picked them up with my butt cheeks.

Temp was over 100 degrees F but I stopped looking after it hit 100.
Damn rain, my weeds/grass were almost all dead with the hot weather we've been having then it had to rain and bring it back to life. Now I will have to mow it...I don't have time for lawn mowing...
Damn rain, my weeds/grass were almost all dead with the hot weather we've been having then it had to rain and bring it back to life. Now I will have to mow it...I don't have time for lawn mowing...
Just let your goats loose on it. Problem solved. ;)
Your peaches are just now coming in? :eek:
Mine have been done for weeks! I have probably about ... ummm ... a dozen freezer bags full of pitted peaches saved for later use. The rest were eaten or brought to work to share with co-workers.
3rd year trees and about 15° north of you
Don't forget to prune them. When they loose their leaves you will see red branches. These are the branches that will produce flowers/fruit next Spring.

You want to prune peach trees so that you don't have to use ladders to pick the fruit. Disturbing the peaches on the trees will cause them to drop off or bruise. Also, you want to prune them for air flow as well to prevent dead spots where fungus or disease can flourish.
Tomoato plants are taller than I am, but only 2 tomotoes have reddened :( Too much rain, and not enough sun. Peppers are great, cukes are large and numerous and the gourds OMFG... I only have 2 Squash plants. They're shooting vines every which way and 20' in some cases. They're on opposite ends of the garden and currently latching onto each other for support. No decent squash to speak of yet.

The grape vines are pretty long but no fruit expected this year.
Currently over run with cukes, cherry tomatoes and zucchini. Regular tomatoes should be turning red any day now. Green pepper plants not producing much. Eggplants just starting to flower.
All this talk of squash and cucumbers reminds me, Gonz... unless you spray your peaches and squash you will need to find out the life cycle of squash bugs for your area and plant (and remove) your squash accordingly.

Example, I plant my squash very early, using covers until they flower. You might be able to use cloches if your area is too cold. Once the squash plants flower I remove the covers to let the pollination orgy commence. I harvest as much of my squash as I can and watch the peaches as they begin to ripen. Once I see thumb sized peaches I pull all the squash plants and feed the plants to the goats (you can burn them if you don't have anything to feed the plants to).

Why? Because squash bug juveniles thrive on squash but the adults thrive on the peaches. I found out a few years ago that we were building the perfect food environment for the squash bugs at all stages of life.

This year, no problems at all. Now peaches are done and I'm planting winter squash under covers again.
OMG I have a shit-ton of jalapenos and I don't want them to go to waste. Any suggestions on how to store them? I don't want to can them. I suck at canning. Everything gets mushy.
Damn, jalapenos are the one plant that grows like an MF'er here. :eek:

Read the article... hilarious about the "government declares...." title. That was a hoot. :lol:

Honestly, these SWAT teams need a big slap down. You should read some of the stuff they do to innocent people regarding drug raids. There was one (I believe I posted it in KK months ago) about the local SWAT team busting in on the mayor of a town because of the delivery of marijuana in a box to the front door step. The owners had no idea what was in the package. The delivery system of the drug dealers had been going on for a long time in the town and the local drug enforcement officers knew about the M.O. They would send the package to some unsuspecting person while they were at work, have it left on the front porch and have someone drive over and retrieve it. The owner of the house never knew about the delivery. The SWAT raid was set up even though the leaders knew the people inside would not know what was in the package. SWAT killed the 2 dogs as the dogs ran from the SWAT team members. Very traumatizing to the family.

Odd how this group picked Ohio's police to run the article on. Ohio is a swing state and voted Republican 6 times in the last 10 presidential elections. The Republican/Democrat votes in the last election were very close.

Hmmmm... maybe we should start a thread about SWAT teams out of control in the KK. There are plenty of examples out there.
OH, forgot to tell you. I harvested a ton of basil this morning (I'm at home "sick"). I found an article online that suggested taking the leaves and tender stems and putting them in a food processor with olive oil, then stuffing it in cubes and freezing them.

I just did just that and I'll let you know how that turns out.
cool about the experiment :)
sux about the sickness :(

If you didn't notice...that story was on dec 1 2008
I watched the vid of the mom and pop, and they were absolutely terrorized.