I need a 12 step program....


New Member
And the pun is intended because I'm talking about shoes. I went for ballet slippers and kids boots and ended up with 2 new pairs for myself...plus I am expecting a pair in the mail any day now.
I'm a stone cold addict. Anyone else a shoe freak?

No? Well then, what personal article do you have just too many of according to everyone else?
I'm right there with ya, tonks. My husband tells everyone that I have WAYYYYY too many pairs of shoes. And, clothes too.
I'm right there with ya, tonks. My husband tells everyone that I have WAYYYYY too many pairs of shoes. And, clothes too.

Does he give you the fish eye when you pack for a trip and then go "Do you really need to bring 5 pairs of shoes for a 3 day trip?" and you're all like "Oh, absolutely!"?
Does he give you the fish eye when you pack for a trip and then go "Do you really need to bring 5 pairs of shoes for a 3 day trip?" and you're all like "Oh, absolutely!"?

Yep! Then he just shakes his head when I tell him I need those 5 pairs of shoes because each one depends on 1-my mood when I choose what I'm gonna wear and 2-which shoes go with the outfit I'm in the mood to wear! :grinyes:
My hubby is addicted to tools and very, very large man toys -- i.e. bulldozer & backhoe to begin with.

I'm addicted to books --- but, you can't EVER have too many books. :D
I have too many computer parts according to everyone else. I agree. Once I get some time off, I'm very inclined to take the stuff I use on a daily basis into another room and scrap the rest of it.

Basically, I have two chairs, one table, one computer, my stereo, and my TV. The rest is shit I don't use. Piles and piles of computer hardware. I've taken like five huge trashcans full of stuff out, but it never goes down. I gotta shift from throwing away stuff I don't need to keeping the stuff I need and throwing everything else away. If it doesn't have an immediate use, it can hit the trashcan.

As for shoes, I am very particular about what I get. I don't have a lot, but I pick them out carefully and spend lots of money, for health reasons. I walk A LOT. It's amazing what a year can do to your feet. I used to get uncomfortable standing in line or something, and my feet would get sore if I stood for like an hour.
Now, it's crazy. My feet don't even start to get sore until I've been standing for at least ten hours. It's a little weird for the people around me. I don't sit down on trains. I don't sit down in waiting rooms. If I need to wait out front for somebody, I don't look for a bench. I stand.