Nobody wants to protect them. Nobody wants to take up their cause. They are scapegoats...
this sounds strangely familiar. hey, let's give 'em a homeland and displace some other miserable group of people!
Nobody wants to protect them. Nobody wants to take up their cause. They are scapegoats...
I vaguely remember some bits in the Bible about Jews and Israel. I don't remember anything about Palestine or Palestinians.
Nope - some want more.Ummmm..... Wouldn't 100% of all people like this?
this sounds strangely familiar. hey, let's give 'em a homeland and displace some other miserable group of people!
They were Persian then.
Don't tell the Iranians this.
Don't tell the Iranians this.
Continues HEREThe One-State Solution
Tripoli, Libya
THE shocking level of the last wave of Israeli-Palestinian violence, which ended with this weekend’s cease-fire, reminds us why a final resolution to the so-called Middle East crisis is so important. It is vital not just to break this cycle of destruction and injustice, but also to deny the religious extremists in the region who feed on the conflict an excuse to advance their own causes.
But everywhere one looks, among the speeches and the desperate diplomacy, there is no real way forward. A just and lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians is possible, but it lies in the history of the people of this conflicted land, and not in the tired rhetoric of partition and two-state solutions.
Although it’s hard to realize after the horrors we’ve just witnessed, the state of war between the Jews and Palestinians has not always existed. In fact, many of the divisions between Jews and Palestinians are recent ones. The very name “Palestine” was commonly used to describe the whole area, even by the Jews who lived there, until 1948, when the name “Israel” came into use.
Jews and Muslims are cousins descended from Abraham. Throughout the centuries both faced cruel persecution and often found refuge with one another. Arabs sheltered Jews and protected them after maltreatment at the hands of the Romans and their expulsion from Spain in the Middle Ages.
Eh... I'm not rooting for anyone. I hate everyone. *grunt*Israel wants out of Gaza, to wash their hands of it, but Gaza keeps throwing rockets over the border, so Israel goes postal
root for israel or you are an anti-semite.
the only way Israel could "act right", is to leave the land.
THAT, is hamas' stance they've said.
I've never said Israel was/is faultless.
Israel doesn't want Hamas acting like a civilized GVT. That would give them (Hamas) recognition as a viable GVT. Israel wants Hamas gone..period.Eh... I'm not rooting for anyone. I hate everyone. *grunt*
However, here's the jist of it right here...
if Hamas would stop ...
a) firing rockets at civilians on the Israeli side, and
b) using civilians, especially children, as human shields
and start...
a) acting in the best interest of the people they now govern,
b) get on with rebuilding and improving Gaza and the West Bank...
c) learn diplomacy, and
d) desire peace for the Palestinian people...
... then there wouldn't be any violent "retaliation" on either side!
Just because Hamas is the elected government doesn't make firing rockets at Israeli civilians OK. It should mean that Hamas has to start acting like a civilized government should and stop acting like a bunch of ignorant terrorists.