No favortism towards Islam, huh

Justice from the sky

freako104 said:
Looks like you chose the only one to suit your needs. The Bible has similar verses. So I would say probably for the same reason Paul would have said the same thing. Jesus would have been against it the same as Muhammed would


And he was a fine, upstanding individual that any parent would want to give their 9-year-old daughter to in marriage:

Islam rises and falls on Muhammad. He is the religion's sole prophet, Islam’s solitary example, Allah’s lone conduit. Without Muhammad, Allah, the Qur’an, and Islam would be unknown. Yet the picture the Islamic scriptures paint of this man is not flattering; his words aren’t believable. According to the Qur’an and Hadith, Muhammad was a thief, rapist, and terrorist. It’s hardly the example you’d want your neighbor to emulate.

Muhammad, Allah, Mecca, and the formation of Islam are completely unknown to secular history. All we know of them is derived from the Qur’an and Hadith. The earliest and most important collection of Hadith is called the Sira, or Biography. Compiled by Ibn Ishaq, the Sira provides the only written account of this man, his god, place and religion within two centuries of his death. There is no other valid source from which Muhammad can be seen, or Islam can be interpreted, differently.

To write Prophet of Doom, I analyzed the Sira, the Ta’rikh, or History of al-Tabari, and the topical Hadith collections of Bukhari and Muslim. Using Islam’s most holy books I was able to reorder the Qur’an chronologically and set it into the context of Muhammad’s life. The result is bone chilling. The depiction of the prophet by the most revered Muslim sources reveals behavior that is immoral, criminal, and violent. The five oldest and most trusted Islamic sources don't portray Muhammad as a great and godly man. They confirm that he was a thief, liar, assassin, mass murderer, terrorist, warmonger, and an unrestrained sexual pervert engaged in pedophilia, incest, and rape. He authorized deception, assassinations, torture, slavery, and genocide. He was a pirate, not a prophet. According to the Hadith and the Qur'an, Muhammad and his henchmen plundered their way to power and prosperity. And by putting the Qur'an in chronological order and correlating it with the context of Muhammad's life, we find that Allah mirrored his prophet's character. Muhammad's god condoned immoral and criminal behavior. Allah boasts about being a terrorist. He claims to have deceived men, to have stolen their property, to have enslaved women and children, to having committed acts of murder, genocide, and sadistic tortures.

All the verses you quoted out of your Arabic quran have the exact same meaning as the verses I presented from a translated one. If the Bible has one verse that commands followers to "Slay the idolaters[unbelievers] wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer [become believers] and pay the poor-rate[jizyah tax: protection], leave their way free to them (9:5) please post it. Islam ORDERS them to do it for their religion. They have NO CHOICE if they want to be good Muslims.

Qu'aran 5:33
The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and his Messenger and strive with might and main fir mischief through the land is; execution or crucifiction, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land:that is their disgrace from the world and they have a heavy punishment in the Hereafter.

Qur’an 5:33 “The punishment for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive after corruption, making mischief in the land [those who refuse to surrender to Islam] is murder, execution, crucifixion, the cutting off of hands and feet on opposite sides, or they should be imprisoned. That is their degradation and disgrace in this world. And a great torment of an awful doom awaits them in the hereafter. Except for those who repent (and become Muslims) before you overpower them and they fall into your control.”

ALL the verses "suit my needs" but I would like to point out that you were the one who was so eager to show how they were worded differently that you probably didn't read what the verse was saying, otherwise you would not point to one that advocates murder. After all, I know you feel Islam is the Religion of Peace. And you surely can't call that verse "peaceful." They are not 'fighting to defend their land.' They are told to kill those who refuse to surrender to Islam.

I would STILL like you to provide a reason why the Islam prophet Mohammed would tell his followers to give "execution or crucifiction, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace from the world and they have a heavy punishment in the Hereafter." to those who refuse to SURRENDER to Islam. Why don't they want to "love thy neighbor as thyself?"
The Other One said:

And he was a fine, upstanding individual that any parent would want to give their 9-year-old daughter to in marriage:

All the verses you quoted out of your Arabic quran have the exact same meaning as the verses I presented from a translated one. If the Bible has one verse that commands followers to "Slay the idolaters[unbelievers] wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer [become believers] and pay the poor-rate[jizyah tax: protection], leave their way free to them (9:5) please post it. Islam ORDERS them to do it for their religion. They have NO CHOICE if they want to be good Muslims.

Qu'aran 5:33
The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and his Messenger and strive with might and main fir mischief through the land is; execution or crucifiction, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land:that is their disgrace from the world and they have a heavy punishment in the Hereafter.

Qur’an 5:33 “The punishment for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive after corruption, making mischief in the land [those who refuse to surrender to Islam] is murder, execution, crucifixion, the cutting off of hands and feet on opposite sides, or they should be imprisoned. That is their degradation and disgrace in this world. And a great torment of an awful doom awaits them in the hereafter. Except for those who repent (and become Muslims) before you overpower them and they fall into your control.”

ALL the verses "suit my needs" but I would like to point out that you were the one who was so eager to show how they were worded differently that you probably didn't read what the verse was saying, otherwise you would not point to one that advocates murder. After all, I know you feel Islam is the Religion of Peace. And you surely can't call that verse "peaceful." They are not 'fighting to defend their land.' They are told to kill those who refuse to surrender to Islam.

I would STILL like you to provide a reason why the Islam prophet Mohammed would tell his followers to give "execution or crucifiction, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace from the world and they have a heavy punishment in the Hereafter." to those who refuse to SURRENDER to Islam. Why don't they want to "love thy neighbor as thyself?"

How do you figure he was the poster boy for it? Did you study the actual history of Islam or get all your answers from anti Muslim sites?

As far as all the verses suiting your needs, you seem to disregard the ones that talk about forgiveness, Allah being merciful et al. And Christianity has similar verses including ones on Hell. So why would Jesus want that? Now as far as reasons go, almost all religions have problems with other religions. Pagans, I am ashamed to admit, killed Christians in the old days, Christians killed Pagans during the middle ages as well as Jews. So why didnt they "love the neighbour as thyself"? I have yet to see any kind of "kill the infedel" unless it is out of context since contextually I have seen it to say defend yourself not kill others. But I guess you can avoid that thought process since you "learned everything about Islam on 9/11" rather than reading up on it and asking questions.
freako104 said:
As far as all the verses suiting your needs, you seem to disregard the ones that talk about forgiveness, Allah being merciful et al. And Christianity has similar verses including ones on Hell. So why would Jesus want that? Now as far as reasons go, almost all religions have problems with other religions. Pagans, I am ashamed to admit, killed Christians in the old days, Christians killed Pagans during the middle ages as well as Jews. So why didnt they "love the neighbour as thyself"? I have yet to see any kind of "kill the infedel" unless it is out of context since contextually I have seen it to say defend yourself not kill others. But I guess you can avoid that thought process since you "learned everything about Islam on 9/11" rather than reading up on it and asking questions.


Qur’an 8:7 “Allah wished to confirm the truth by His words: ‘Wipe the infidels out to the last.’”
Qur’an 8:39 “So, fight them till all opposition ends and the only religion is Islam.”
And fight on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah sees that they do

Behold! Allah promised you one of two (enemy) parties, that it should be yours: you wished the one unarmed should be yours but Allah willed to justify the Truth according to His words and to cut off the roots of the Unbelievers
The Other One said:
After all, I know you feel Islam is the Religion of Peace. And you surely can't call that verse "peaceful."
I wonder how many non-peaceful verses you can find in the Old Testament.

I don't know why you can't get the concept that what it boils down to is that there are good muslims and bad muslims. Just like there are good christians, jews, etc. and bad christian, jews, etc.

Some muslims do violent things and so do some christians, jews, etc. Your quest to classify and degrade an enormous group of people based on nothing more than the religion they were born into is ridiculous. People are individuals.
flavio said:
I wonder how many non-peaceful verses you can find in the Old Testament.

I don't know why you can't get the concept that what it boils down to is that there are good muslims and bad muslims. Just like there are good christians, jews, etc. and bad christian, jews, etc.

Some muslims do violent things and so do some christians, jews, etc. Your quest to classify and degrade an enormous group of people based on nothing more than the religion they were born into is ridiculous. People are individuals.

And if the majority does nothing to denigrate those who use their religion for violent means? That's what the problem is. Until 9/11 you'd find it nigh impossible to get one quote from a moderate muslim calling those who abuse their religion out on the carpet for doing so. I've seen some since, but no quotes from before. You can find verses from the old testament to prop up your view all you like, but the Judeo-Christian religion, for the most part, grew out of those statements long ago. The religion of Islam has not.
Gato_Solo said:
And if the majority does nothing to denigrate those who use their religion for violent means? That's what the problem is. Until 9/11 you'd find it nigh impossible to get one quote from a moderate muslim calling those who abuse their religion out on the carpet for doing so. I've seen some since, but no quotes from before. You can find verses from the old testament to prop up your view all you like, but the Judeo-Christian religion, for the most part, grew out of those statements long ago. The religion of Islam has not.

Most Christians have as well but some stick by it. I would say most Muslims are an allright people same as any group of people but then you get a set that makes them look bad. I am sure that many have spoken against it, but it isnt put into the news for certain reasons. I also have yet to hear any Christians try to separate themselves from Eric Roudolph or the Army of God but they will if confronted I am sure.
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live is hardly comparable to So, fight them till all opposition ends and the only religion is Islam.
Gonz said:
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live is hardly comparable to So, fight them till all opposition ends and the only religion is Islam.

I havent seen it again say fight all Unbelievers. Most of what I have seen says to fight back, but not kill them unless they are a threat. Thats also not the only place in the Bible that calls for killing
The bible calls for individuals to be stoned for their actions, not for entire nations to be stoned. (Well, there is this part about Denmark but that's another thread)
And the Qu'aran says nothing of stoning entire nations either. Like the Bible, it is more about Allah being mericful and to live a good life.However, like the Bible it calls for killing as punishments. And that seems to be what she aims to point out is those few verses.
Gonz said:
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live is hardly comparable to So, fight them till all opposition ends and the only religion is Islam.

Heh, besides, what it really means (so I was once told by a biblical scholar anyway) is, "Don't trust strangers."
Gato_Solo said:
And if the majority does nothing to denigrate those who use their religion for violent means?
Not that it's their responsibilty but here you go...

Statements from leading Muslim leaders, condemning the terrorist attacks of September 11th

* Organization of the Islamic Conference, Doha, Qatar. October 10th, 2001: (representing 56 Muslim nations)
"These terrorist acts contradict the teaching of all religions and human and moral values."
*"Terrorists are mass murderers, not martyrs", states Shaykh Hamza Yusuf.
*"Bin Laden's Violence is a heresy against Islam", states Abdul Hakim Murad
*Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi denounced the attacks against civilians in the U.S.
*Sheikh Mohammed Sayyed al-Tantawi of Al-Azhar, the highest institution in Sunni Islam, warned that those who attack innocent people will be punished by Allah, in his weekly sermon to thousands of worshippers in Cairo. "Attacking innocent people is not courageous, it is stupid and will be punished on the Day of Judgment," the moderate Sheikh Tantawi said at Al-Azhar mosque. "It's not courageous to attack innocent children, women and civilians. It is courageous to protect freedom, it is courageous to defend oneself and not to attack," he said.
* "Hijacking Planes, terrorizing innocent people and shedding blood constitute a form of injustice that can not be tolerated by Islam, which views them as gross crimes and sinful acts." Shaykh Abdul Aziz al-Ashaikh (Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia and Chairman of the Senior Ulama, on September 15th, 2001)


That's what the problem is. Until 9/11 you'd find it nigh impossible to get one quote from a moderate muslim calling those who abuse their religion out on the carpet for doing so. I've seen some since, but no quotes from before.
I'm sure you would had found it pretty easy had you asked them. Not many people were before though. How is it all Muslims responsibilty to defend their religion just because some lunatics do crazy things. Did Catholics around the world get a bad rap for not springing to their own defense after the Omagh bombing?

You can find verses from the old testament to prop up your view all you like, but the Judeo-Christian religion, for the most part, grew out of those statements long ago. The religion of Islam has not.
Hell no, there are many different types of christians. Some sects (like Protestants and Catholics still heavily use the Old Testament, some sects ignore half the book and publish bibles only containing the New Testament, some sects are extremist, and just because some christian kills in god's name doesn't mean suddenly all the christians suddenly need to defend their religion.

There are many different types of Muslims...traditionalism, modernism, and and many forms of revivalism, shia, sunni, etc. Even within these types you can't stereotype too much either any more than you could say all Catholics are exactly the same.
Gato_Solo said:
And if the majority does nothing to denigrate those who use their religion for violent means? That's what the problem is. Until 9/11 you'd find it nigh impossible to get one quote from a moderate muslim calling those who abuse their religion out on the carpet for doing so. I've seen some since, but no quotes from before. You can find verses from the old testament to prop up your view all you like, but the Judeo-Christian religion, for the most part, grew out of those statements long ago. The religion of Islam has not.
You know, the actual people that used the bible to justify heinous actions (and still do) are relatively rare. So are the number of people that use the koran that way. The real difference is information access. In the middle ages, someone was tortured or killed and you heard about it six months later from a wandering minstrel as part of a song; now someone is tortured and killed and there face is all over CNN before the body even cools. That makes it all more immediate and emotional.The simple fact is that you can use any religious text I've ever read (and I've read a few) to justify pretty much any act. Religious writings have to be left vague enough so that a lot of people can relate to them. Besides, I think we've all heard someone who'll say that certain passages mean the opposite of what they really mean.

If there weren't religious excuses to be given, most of the same people would be doing most of the same things. They'd just be using different excuses.
Dear Abby:

My husband is a liar and a cheat. He cheated on me from the beginning, and
when I confront him, he denies everything. What's worse, everyone knows
he cheats on me. It is so humiliating.

Also, since he lost his job four years ago he hasn't even looked for a new
one. All he does is buy cigars, play golf, cruise around, and shoot the
breeze with his pals, while I have to work to pay the bills.

Since our daughter graduated from college he doesn't even pretend to like
me and hints that I am a lesbian. What should I do?

Signed, Clueless

Dear Clueless:

Grow up and dump him. For Pete's sake, you don't need him anymore. You're
a United States Senator from New York. Act like it.