Shots fired at Montreal College

Oh...and photo removed.


As Paul Harvey does on his news short...he'll give the barest description of some asswipes story, then say, "he'd want me to mention his name. He then waits about 3 seconds & goes on about his business. :lol:
So? You can't access the catalogue unless you're licensed?

I designed the catalogue :D It's right here on my desk...waiting for the company bottleneck to release it to print.

I can tell you that we carry it all, from handguns to sniper-rifles, machine guns to shotguns...from CanTire $200 specials to $25,000 sniper's wet-dreams. I can hold them, take pictures of them and create flyers and catalogues of them...I just can't buy any of them. :shrug:
I never took part in the media circus that surrounded the death of an upstanding bloke like Steve Irwin ,why in the hell would I allow this creeps death occupy my attention.
The only bit that I can add to the whole story is that the rifle that he used only used handgun ammo and not rifle ammo..or we'd b mourning the loss of more than just one victim.

Rot in Piss MoFo! :finger:
let's not forget to add this shooting to our list of "people with middle-eastern sounding names conspiracy of terror."

after all, them sikhs are half muslim.
Next door to Dawson - the daycare

At least he didn't go in there, eh
I get a discount on those from work too...go figure. MrsBish and I are discussing it.

Any chance of me getting in on that action? Or is it family only?

Oh, I just looked it up. I've got at least one illegal weapon at home already. i'll have to do some converting to see if the air rifle's legal or not. Might wanna check yours. You might just have to destroy it.
It's good to see that gun registration works so well.
No amount of gun registration would've stopped this incident... the Concordia University shootings and the Ecole Polytechnique slayings were also done with registered and legal guns.

Registration does two things though.

1) Gives the Police a head's up that a house that they're going to has weapons in it, and what type. Not all the info, because it doesn't cover illegal weapons, but better than nothing.
2) It slows down those who get angry and go to a store to buy a gun. In addition, people can get refused licensing and guns. doesn't stop all whackjobs from getting guns...but if it stops half or more...that's a good start, eh