The Corrupted Wish Game

simplyred said:
Why are you constantly wishing twins on me????
Sorry, didn't realize I was, I'll start using something more fuzzy like a pit-pom..

Granted but you are now living in a bubble and the only contact you have with the world is through a straw..

Wish I could mow my lawn with a combine and sell the clippings on the street as the real thing...
Granted, but it doesn't take long for the gangs to get wise to you. That combine you wished for isn't very bulletproof, either...

I wish I had my new sunglasses now.
Granted, but you are living in antarctica and the sun won't be seen for another two months...

Wish the AC in the house was working...
Granted, but it won't turn off. You're making ice cubes in the living room and the kitchen floor is a skating rink.

I wish more folks could attend the BBQ.
I would say, "granted, but flavio is present," but I don't want to fuck myself over with the corrupted wish, so I'll just shut up now.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Granted, but they are all Al Qaeda members.

I wish I could attend the BBQ without terrorists being present.

Granted but the cooler is out and the beer is warm..

Wish my taxes were paid...
Granted. The IRS seized your house to cover the outstanding liability.

I wish it would drop 1.5 inches of rain on the entire Atlanta area today.
Granted, but his wishes suck... wait, we're supposed to grant them with corruptions that wouldn't actually happen. :D

I wish the Rangers' Robinson Tejeda hadn't just given up six runs in the bottom of the first inning to the Rockies.
Granted, but it's a mutant killer giraffe from the Planet Vagdor, and it's threatening to frame you for the murders of those student nurses if you don't do its bidding.

I wish I could see Karl Rove frogmarched out of the White House in handcuffs.
Oops. I corrupted an old wish.

Real life -- granted, but it's the life of a naked mole rat.

I wish I had my own luxuriously-appointed private airship.
Granted, but it's Bill Gates, a sewing machine repairman from Duluth.

I wish everyone on the planet had better fitting, more comfortable shoes.