The Corrupted Wish Game

Granted, my brother gets cloned for the sole ( :D ) purpose of selling shoes at Sears, and they all give me hell for it. Oh wait, that corrupts me instead...

I wish I hadn't done that.
Granted, but you meet a real seamonster and now it's fishing for you...

I wish I wasn't feeling so tired.
Granted. You are now struck with a severe case of insomnia and will be up for 7 straight days.

I wish I had a better home to come back to.
granted, but you end up on a deserted island beacuse you ran out of gas!

I wish I would hear about this postal job already!:hmm:
Granted, but the job is the post master general and the poat office is one step away from bankrupcy with a congressional hearing the day after you start the job...

Wish the deserted island had a supply of beer...
Granted, the deserted island is full of beer and you find one woman on there, only to find out when the beer is all gone, she was your sister. :eek5: :D

I wish the sun would come out today so I could get some rays!:rolleyes:
I'll send you a post card, COD...

Wish my funds distribution would go smoothly...

Granted, but there had been a change in the tax code and have to pay out of your ass for what you recieve...

Wish I had a better CPA...

highwayman said:
I'll send you a post card, COD...

Granted, but there had been a change in the tax code and have to pay out of your ass for what you recieve...

Wish I had a better CPA...
Granted...your Coalition Provisional Authority is the best in the world!

I wish that I had a better lunch
Granted, but your haw is wired shut and you only can eat what you can drink through a straw..

Wish I had a basement...